
Nursing: My Personal Philosophy

Decent Essays

My Personal Philosophy
A nurse should be compassionate, loving, caring, competent, professional, and most of all knowledgeable. All of the attributes are only a small part of what an Advance Nurse Practice should be. The role of an APN is to focus on the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and care of sick and dying. They are also responsible for their clinical decisions and are held accountable by their fellow peers, professional organization, patients, and families.
In establishing my philosophy of Advance Practice Nursing I believed that nursing is an art and a science, its knowledge, and it holds a great place with in our society. I have considered using nursing four metaparadigms person, nursing, health, and environment as well as accountability and professionalism in …show more content…

The environment can be described as physical environment such as the area the person lives in, also included can be the persons’ mental awareness. This includes the person spirted awareness, emotion, and thoughts about the current situation. Nurse should be conscious of our environment which will create opportunity to create new means of approaching the community. For example, greater technology which allows monitoring which leads to wellness and early intervention, care prevention, frequent ER visits, and impatient admission.
Another concept is health which is the process of becoming, the overall collection and quality of man’s life of experiences good or bad can interrupt or hinder the process careful consideration should be taken in effect with cultural and spiritual differences. The final concept of meta-paradigm is focused on nursing. Nursing to me is caring and compassion delivered with the skill, competent care, and technology which is needed to provide an environment that supports healing and engage nurse to be involve hence promoting good health, increase wellness, prevent illness, and caring for the sick and

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