
Nursing Personal Statement

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According to the American Nursing Association (ANA), Nursing is a field that protects, promotes, and optimizes one’s health and abilities, prevents illness and injury, alleviates suffering through diagnosis and treatment as well as advocates for the care of individuals, their families, communities, and the general populations. While in the military, I was on a spectrum where we fight to serve not only our country, but protect our families and communities as well. Now, as a military veteran, the experience of combat inspires me to help save the lives of others. I see nursing as an extension of the protection and care offered to people through promoting their health, alleviating suffering while helping people achieve safe and healthy lives. …show more content…

After researching the facility, I have found multiple testimonials as to the exceptional quality of training that students receive and the quality of professionals turned out by the institution. I would like to receive training from an institution that has a historical record of success in delivering top-notch and skilled nursing professionals. Diversity in a training institution is important to my professional growth and development and would be an asset to my journey as a clinical professional. The schools ability to offer a combination of trainings in a small school while providing high-quality evidenced based education in nursing is important to me and a significant contribution to the nursing industry as a whole. The schools ability to offer a combination of trainings in a small school while providing high-quality evidenced based education in nursing is important to me and a significant contribution to the nursing industry as a whole. Furthermore, education is delivered in a healthcare environment that is innovative and dynamic. I believe that Watts School of Nursing will provide the depth of training and experience that I need to become a competent and confident

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