According to the American Nursing Association (ANA), Nursing is a field that protects, promotes, and optimizes one’s health and abilities, prevents illness and injury, alleviates suffering through diagnosis and treatment as well as advocates for the care of individuals, their families, communities, and the general populations. While in the military, I was on a spectrum where we fight to serve not only our country, but protect our families and communities as well. Now, as a military veteran, the experience of combat inspires me to help save the lives of others. I see nursing as an extension of the protection and care offered to people through promoting their health, alleviating suffering while helping people achieve safe and healthy lives. …show more content…
After researching the facility, I have found multiple testimonials as to the exceptional quality of training that students receive and the quality of professionals turned out by the institution. I would like to receive training from an institution that has a historical record of success in delivering top-notch and skilled nursing professionals. Diversity in a training institution is important to my professional growth and development and would be an asset to my journey as a clinical professional. The schools ability to offer a combination of trainings in a small school while providing high-quality evidenced based education in nursing is important to me and a significant contribution to the nursing industry as a whole. The schools ability to offer a combination of trainings in a small school while providing high-quality evidenced based education in nursing is important to me and a significant contribution to the nursing industry as a whole. Furthermore, education is delivered in a healthcare environment that is innovative and dynamic. I believe that Watts School of Nursing will provide the depth of training and experience that I need to become a competent and confident
The nursing profession was designed to focus on individual care, their families and the communities they serve to ensure accessibility to optimal health. Nurses are not limited to a specific practice. They work in a variety of settings and serve countless roles in the hospital community. They are a support system when bad news is relayed but they are also birthday party hosts for ailing children. Being a nursing student will not only challenges my intellect but also my character.
It is incredibly satisfying for me to work with others to effect positive change in the community. Some of the strengths I believe I can offer is my joy of working with a team, honesty and integrity, compassion and friendly personality, desire for excellence, flexibility, organizational skills and delight in serving my community while providing excellence customer service to my patients. My clinical experiences and time at Northwest have helped me to become even more convinced that nursing is my passion and is the profession that I want to devote my time and energy to.
For one, the prestigious academic and research backgrounds of the faculty combined with collaborative input from a diverse student population will allow me to hear multiple perspectives about the best approaches to handling specific patient care issues. Another aspect that distinguishes the UW BSN program is the range of exceptional facilities where the nursing students go to practice their clinical skills, under the instruction of well-regarded professors. As a nurse, I will be able to draw from those insights and incorporate these experiences outside the
First, the core curriculum is created to help a practicing and working nurse to gain the leadership abilities and capacity to apply research findings to optimize the provision of healthcare services to those who are most in need of it. This renowned university's CCNE-accredited MSN program will enable nurses to pursue their goals of learning and development without having to worry about a lack of education or experience. In addition to these two factors, the University's financial aid and affordable tuition for working nurses are amazing and encourage me to follow my professional ambition. My two years as a registered nurse and nursing student gave me a better understanding of the role that nursing plays in the healthcare industry. I came to appreciate and learn the beauty of a nurse in ensuring a patient's well-being, functionality, and safety at their time of greatest need.
The University of Pennsylvania's School of Nursing mission statement is "to make a significant impact on health by advancing science, promoting equity, demonstrating practice excellence, and preparing leaders in the discipline of nursing." These remarkable qualities that the university wants to instill within its students are the reasons why I applied to this prestigious university. This school would allow me to receive a high level of education while preparing me to become a nurse that exhibits everything the mission statement mentions. As a student at this university, it would help to expand my scientific mind into the vast world of nursing and all that it has to offer. It allows me to bring a fresh and new perspective to the nursing field while also embracing and studying the present knowledge I can gain from this universities nursing program.
As an evidenced-based practice driven, level three newborn intensive care staff nurse, I found interest in your university as your goals in education align with my current and future aspirations. My goal as a pediatric nurse practitioner is to provide a higher level of care by promoting wellness and disease prevention through patient education. I want to equip future generations with the skills they need to promote lifelong health and wellness. By providing evidenced-based practice in a pediatric outpatient setting, not only will I be able to improve individual patient health outcomes, but sequentially will also improve the communities outcomes.
The Riverside School of Professional Nursing is an educational program with a reputation for providing quality education to those in pursuit of a nursing career. I am confident that due to my strengths as a dedicated, hardworking individual I would be a Director who could assist in maintaining the quality and competence of our educational program. It is with these attributes in addition to my ability to learn quickly, adapt easily and accept challenges I can enhance the progression and development of our voyage to becoming an Associate Degree program. I am confident that my being the Director of the Professional School I will be in a position where my qualifications can make a difference and I will have the opportunity to assume another level
Also, I am a person of my word, honest and trustworthy. I am ready for any challenges that may come my way. I am a hardworking individual and feel that nursing would suits me as a career. I have seen good and bad things that can happen when it comes to caring for patients and am capable of handling each situation in a professional manner. After two years of health care training in high school and coping with the death of my father and my own personal illness, I know that I am destined to be a nurse. The experience that I have been through motivates me to help others in need. I love working and caring for people. Also, volunteering at the nursing home has placed great emphasis on my life. Taking care of and working with elderly patients has guided me to find positive value in life, which allows me to give generously of myself to others. More importantly, it has taught me to stay calm, be patient and be reassuring in emergency situations. My life experience, education and health care training will help me succeed in the nursing profession in the future. For these reasons, I feel that I am the perfect candidate for the Francis Marion University Nursing
The nursing profession offers many rewards. Among those is being part of a team who has the opportunity to influence the health, welfare and well being of people each and every day. Nursing student go to nursing school with the intention of learning how to heal and help people live not to learn to help people die. The healthcare environment is changing. Part of that change is because the United States’ (US) population is aging at increasing rates. By 2030, one in five Americans
I am from Ohio, born and raised outside of Cleveland in the small town of Shaker Heights. My husband is very supportive and has learned to cook, clean, and shop. We have a son in high school and a daughter who is in graduate school. My career experiences entail ICU, ER, staff development, hospice, and home health. For me, education is essential in establishing excellence in nursing. After thoroughly reading through the material, I am really getting excited about moving forward as a MSN, FNP candidate. Thus far, the Chamberlain learning experience has not been disappointing as it provides the perfect platform for educational growth. The case study discussions are a great way of learning the information, while simultaneously collaborating
Pursuing a career as a health professional has been a dream of mine for several years. My passion for helping others and my keen interest in the human body has led me to enrolling in a Diploma of Enrolled Nursing. With my previous experience and determination to succeed I am certain that I will be an asset to your organisation.
I am interested in a nursing position at Deville St. Clare’s Hospital. My final clinical experience at County College of Morris was on the Progressive Care Unit at St. Clare’s Denville. I was provided with significant hands on experience, and an appreciation for the hospital and the staff. My interest in patient care provides me with a desire to learn and grow which will benefit the unit on which I am working.
Studying nursing at Ameritech College of Healthcare has given me a deep insight on the qualities it takes to make a great nurse. I have acquired a varied skill set that I believe will help benefit your company, such as critical thinking and excellent bedside care. I am compassionate, hard-working, eager to learn, empathetic, and very patient driven. As a nurse for your company, patients will be my number one priority and I will also be an excellent
I am also confident that I possess the qualities necessary to provide the highest level of service which is client focused, evidence based, while satisfying the physical and mental needs of patients. Additionally, in preparation for studies I have kept abreast of developments in the field of nursing by reading publications such as the Nurse Spectrum and the American Journal of Nursing (AJN). Furthermore, I am mindful that clinical placements form an integral part of the course, and the opportunity to work in different settings will undoubtedly help to reinforce theoretical knowledge, forge networking prospects, and enable an informed choice for my area of specialization in the
As a new graduate entering the nursing profession, I am hoping to further my skill set and nursing knowledge by working in a specialized nursing setting following graduation with my associate’s degree in nursing. While gaining knowledge in the clinical setting my first year after graduation, I will also be gaining knowledge in the classroom as I work to complete my bachelor’s degree through the Hickory Collaborative RIBN (Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses) Program at Lenoir-Rhyne University. I hope that this combination of clinical experience and advanced nursing education will enable me to excel at this profession as I assist my patients in achieving optimal health outcomes best suited to their needs. Clinically, my heart lies in