
Nursing Reflection

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During this session, I was able to observe Ms. Thomas affect, the tone of her voice and her verbal and nonverbal cues that she was in distress. It appeared that she was in crisis mode, needed to feel supported and needed my help. Ms. Thomas also disclosed to me her secrete she was not sharing with her granddaughter about her medical condition. Looking at it from Ms. Thomas’ perspective, she might be feeling sad, despair, afraid, disappointed and wondering “why me.” My responses were intended to provide empathy and a sense of understanding and support. In addition, I was assessing her emotional stability and level of understanding of the upcoming medical intervention.
When Ms. Thomas started crying I was thinking to myself that she didn’t feel hopeful about her upcoming surgery. Ms. Thomas frequently apologized for crying during her session and each time I reassure her that it was ok to cry and take as much time she needs to let it out.
During this session, I felt connected to Ms. Thomas as I was able to tune in with her emotion as I experienced similar emotions when informed that a coworker/friend was diagnosed with cancer. When Ms. Thomas said that she was diagnosed with cancer, I was taken back to when I found out my coworker was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and nothing could be done to save his life. Throughout this interaction with Ms. Thomas, I was experiencing countertransference. According to Shulman, countertransference “is the complex feelings of a

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