Nature v. Nurture: Child rearing debate Inter-American University of Puerto Rico Alejandra Fraguada GEHS 3030-4705 Human Formation in a Contemporary Society Prof. Jahiatt Garcia M. Trimester Late Feb. – May 2013 Is our personality based on how, where, and who raised us or who are parents or “genes” are? Well that is one thing that people and researchers have been debating over, or so the video says, but really how are we to know if it is between the ‘nature’ or ‘nurture’ of how and what we grow up to be. In order to find out, I guess we would have to have some type of clinical, or study, to be able to figure it out. But wait if it all depends on “genes” does it mean that it doesn’t depend on ‘nurture’ or ‘nature’ but merely on …show more content…
I know that I am shy, but yet I am loud, outgoing and many other things when I am surrounded by people I know. When meeting new people I force myself to not let my shyness get in the way, for one, it isn’t good to be shy and in a little corner, and also people seem to think that you are been a stuck up and think you are better than them, even though that isn’t what I or anybody is trying to be. The video says, if we are raised in, um I don’t know, let’s say an island for the heck of it, we grow up to be “surfers” and “partiers”, and like to “tan” and be either at the pool or beach all the time. True, Ok, I can’t lie maybe they might be SOME of those things but not ALL of it. I have friends and know people (family) who were raised their entire life on an island, and yet not all are “surfers”, “partiers” or “tan” freaks who go to the beach or pool all they time. They found other things to do either for wheeling, hiking, scuba diving, amongst many other things. And I have and know other friends and people, including myself, who grew up in a place where you could only go to the beach and pool and do half of the other things in summer time and it would take hours to get to the place to be able to do those things, and they are way more the “surfer” types and “partiers”. I am not saying that I am one of those who surf, because I don’t even know how to surf, but I do like to party and have fun and I would do hiking and other things that my
Throughout my nineteen years of living I have gone through many events and have had many influences, both good and bad. Only a few of these events I would consider significant. I believe that both nature and nurture played a role in these significant events. Nurture had the biggest impact in my life and how I am today.
John Tooby and Leda Cosmides, two highly respected and influential people in the nature vs. nurture study state, “Evolutionary psychology is not just another
The issues pitting nature against nurture are exceptionally significant for the gamut of discoveries that attribute an increasing proportion of traits and behaviours to one's genetic makeup. The resulting variety of physical shortcomings and limitations in each person has, for centuries, been countered by endeavours to improve or interfere where necessary, and every individual is consequently the product of a delicate middle path of balance between the two.
If you were to adventure around the world and ask anyone to describe what they see when they hear the word “surfing” they would respond with similar answers. The average surfing adventure is pictured with the sun shining, the wide-open beach, the large waves crashing, and the beautiful women chilling in the sand watching their man ride. Unfortunately, they got that last part wrong, for the women in the surf documentary “It Ain’t Pretty” are definitely not cheerleaders. They live for adventure, its the thrill, the danger, the adrenaline rush, it makes life worth living.
In today's society, one will find that there are many different factors that go into the development of a criminal mind, and it is impossible to single out one particular cause of criminal behavior. Criminal behavior often stems from both biological and environmental factors. In many cases criminals share similar physical traits which the general population do not usually have. For example criminals have smaller brains than properly adjusted individuals. However biological reasons cannot solely be the cause of criminal behavior. Therefore, one must look to other sources as to how a criminal mind is developed. Social and environmental factors also are at fault for developing
easily traced as far back as the start of the present century with at least some
Nature versus Nurture is the issue of the degree to which environment and heredity influence behavior and development. In this issue nature can be defined as, behaviors due to heredity. Which means behaviors are based on the genetic makeup of an individual and is an influence of the individuals' growth and development throughout life. On the other hand nurture are causes of behaviors that are environmental. Which means the influence is from, parents, siblings, family, friends and all other experiences to which the individual is exposed to.
The Kindness Gene Grace S. R. Canfield Columbia Christian 9/15/17 As long as humanity has existed, there have been debates. Some of them are heated, and some are calmer. Many debates are constantly enduring, but there is no one argument that is as integral to human life as Nature vs. Nurture. This argument provides the explanation for why we behave the way we do, and how we function in society. No matter what side you are on, you have to agree that it's important that you understand both so that you understand a little bit more about how yourself and others function.
One of the oldest debates in psychology is nature versus nurture. Nature is the inborn, innate character of an organism. (Spencer A. Rathus pg. 56) Nurture is the sum total of the environmental factors that affect an organism from conception onward. (Spencer A. Rathus pg. 56) Basically nature is what you have from heredity and nurture is you environmental influences.
San Luis Obispo is known for many things, such as the giant rolling hills, Thursday downtown farmer’s markets, and the college that dominates this place, but one major part of the culture here that is often overlooked is surfing. No matter where one is on campus, they will see people headed off to the beach with their board in hand, or headed to Poly Escapes to rent one. I have only been surfing a handful of times in my life, which is why I chose to analyze a surf shop; I have always been fascinated by the huge obsession with surfing that is present. When meeting people for the first time here, it is almost inevitable to get asked if one surfs because it is becoming the norm, which is something that I am not used to, coming from
Is one’s life set in stone right from birth? Or does an individual gain certain qualities through experiences in life? Nature versus nurture has always been a controversial debate, and there are many different theories and explanations that have been provided around the world, and although many of these statements are true, no one has come to an official conclusion that explains this psychological phenomenon. There have been hundreds of studies conducted in order to explain this topic, and the findings can help develop an understanding that can eventually define the truth. By analyzing certain cognitive traits in individuals it is possible to learn whether these certain traits are predisposed or if the environment one grows up in influence the appearance of the traits.
The theory of Nature vs Nurture is the controversial notion that people are born a certain way, as opposed to the concept that people are a result of the environments they have been molded by. I am wholeheartedly a result of the environment I was raised up in, however, I am also proudly a deviation of the ambiance of the Western Bronx. As I step out of my building, the obnoxious slam of Domino pieces hitting tables and Bachata music blasting from cars infiltrates the aura of Marble Hill. This was a typical day in 228th Street’s tightknit community. As a Dominican, we are constantly making the best out of the difficult cards we are dealt. We, Dominicans, come here for a better life, yet our success stops at minimum-wage jobs. You are faced with a dilemma when you come from a place like I do:
Another wave came and pushed me down. I landed on my butt. My face and body felt the shock of being consumed by salty, sandy water. I gasped and wiped my face. I stood up, ready to try again. With my dad’s coaching, I mastered the wave. I rode it in and slid onto the shore victorious. I continued to boogie board, feeling more confident with each successful try. As my skin pruned, I could feel the shells beneath my feet etch cuts and scrapes on my soles like glass shards in a tire. After a while, the salty water made my cuts feel like they were burning, like walking on hot coals. My arms, chest, and knees suffered the same fate from sliding into the shell - covered shore. It was well worth the pain, however. My dad continued to give me side by side lessons on boogie boarding until I was totally confident in my skills. I felt like I was flying on the water. I have never felt anything so fun, free, and exciting. I couldn’t imagine spending another day in Florida without coming to the beach to boogie board. I was hooked like a giant tuna to a fishing
1) Use the example of feral children to construct an argument in the nature versus nurture debate.
The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest issues in psychology. The debate centers on the relative contributions ofgenetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development. Some philosophers such as Plato and Descartes suggested that certain things are inborn, or that they simply occur naturally regardless of environmental influences. Other well-known thinkers such as John Locke believed in what is known as tabula rasa, which suggests that the mind begins as a blank slate. According to this notion, everything that we are and all of our knowledge is determined by our experience.