
Nutrition Should Be Taught In Schools

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Seventy-eight point six million people, thirty-four point nine percent, one third of the United States, are Obese. For decades the United States had held the record for highest percentage of obesity. Something we as Americans should not be proud of! This percentage of obesity is affected mainly by the foods we eat, and by how much exercise we do. Just like the 80% Nutrition and 20% exercise guideline for losing weight. Thus causing Nutrition to be one of the main problems of our generation. Fast food restaurants are all walking distance from where we live! Instant meals can be done with a microwave, causing some households to cook a lot less often. In order to stop these unhealthy habits from expanding to our future generations all schools in America should teach more about nutrition. …show more content…

As stated from "10 Tips For Teen Guys" and "10 Tips For Teen Girls" by, teen guys will become healthier by taking in calcium for bone growth and teen girls bodies need iron to help them develop properly (USDA). However, according to "Nutrition knowledge of teenagers" from, most teens have no idea of these nutritional needs (Skinner, Woodburn). The reason for going to school is to ready yourself for the life in the future. However, this is no where near ready! It is very dangerous to live without knowing enough knowledge of the foods we consume. Unhealthy nutrition could lead to diabetes, high cholesterol level, strokes, ect. We wouldn’t want that for the future generation of the United States. Thus, in order for kids to be able to take control of their health and know what's best for them nutritionally, schools all over the United States should teach more about

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