
O. J. Simpson Case Study

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to make contact with the house using the gate telephone. At about 10:50 p.m. he saw a man about six feet tall in dark clothing hurrying up the drive towards the house from the Rockingham gate side of the estate. Shortly after, calling the house again on the gate phone, he made contact with a man who identified himself as Simpson, saying he had overslept and would be right down. When Simpson arrived he was sweating profusely and insisted on the air-conditioning being kept on all the way down to LAX. A neighbor of Nicole's called Jill Shively stated she saw a white Ford Bronco came barreling north across the junction, driving through a red light and almost hitting another car traveling west down the boulevard. She recognized the Bronco driver as O.J. Simpson, timing the near accident at approximately 11:00 p.m. Later on her statement was thrown out because she lied on the stand about giving information to the press for $5000. O.J. was not under arrest and did not need to answer …show more content…

Following this they arranged for a photograph of his wound to be recorded and then guided Simpson to the medical section in the jail, where a sample of Simpson's blood was drawn by a male nurse, Thano Peratis, and stored in a vial containing Trisodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate Trihydrate, an amino acid preservative that is used to protect blood. The vial was labelled and placed in an official LAPD evidence envelope. June 16th, preliminary DNA test results on the glove found at the Rockingham estate confirmed that the blood was Simpson's and both of the victims. Lange, Vannatter and Marcia Clark prepared a four-page arrest warrant, which was checked and approved by the District Attorney, Gil Garcetti. Tom Lange telephoned Simpson’s lawyer and instructed him to accompany his client to the Police station to surrender at 11:00 a.m. Simpson was staying at the home of Robert Kardashian. (XXSASSTERXX1,

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