
OCLRE: Social Media Analysis

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The best methods of communicating with this public are through universal marketing materials, including brochures, pamphlets and flyers. Teachers are also easily accessible through email and phone. To continue growing a social presence, OCLRE should maintain communication through social networking sites, such as Facebook, to stay connected with teachers and students as they prepare for OCLRE competitions. Including photos and videos of students in class or at practice will generate interest and excitement among competing and noncompeting schools, new educators and volunteers.
2. Students
Students are the second-most important public for OCLRE, as they are key participants in the programs.
Shannon Grey is a 15 years old high school student …show more content…

OCLRE’s current problem statement says otherwise. While watching OCLRE’s dated YouTube videos, we came across a small poster in one of the videos that read, “Creating Star Players For Our Democracy.” We are unsure as to whether this was their previous motto, or a tagline that they were experimenting with. Regardless of the origin of the tagline, we find these words to be clear and succinct. The verb ‘Creating’ implies development and knowledge; ‘Star Players’ has a juvenile feel to it, which is appropriate given the representation of students; and the word ‘Democracy’ is not only strong in itself, but it signifies what OCLRE is all about. Our group would like to replace OCLRE’s current tagline with the overarching message, “Creating Star Players For Our Democracy.” Our supporting message is: “The Ohio Center for Law-Related Education helps students develop an understanding of American Democracy, and the relevance of The U.S. Constitution. With the collaboration of teachers and members of the legal community, we hope to inspire students to become leaders for our

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