
Obamacare:Threat to America Essay

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The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, was signed into law on March 23, 2010 by President Barack Obama. The purpose of the Act is a health care law aimed at improving the health care system of the United States by widening health coverage to more Americans, as well as protecting existing health insurance policy holders. As of October 1, 2013, Americans have the option to apply for medical coverage through the government controlled Health Insurance Marketplace website. The Marketplace will allow Americans to apply directly for coverage through multiple insurance companies with price comparisons. The downfalls of the Act are becoming more evident as Obamacare will officially be mandated in …show more content…

As discussed by Avik Roy, an editor and author of Forbes Magazine, that when Obamacare was first introduced to the American public, the administration knew that it would cause massive destruction. Recently, White House spokesperson Jay Carney attempted to make light of the claims from many Americans about policy cancellations. In which, he says it will only affect five percent of the total population. That small volume of five percent of Americans happens to equal around 15 million individuals that will get insurance cancellations as their policies don’t comply with Obamacare standards. After receiving their policy cancellation notices, Americans will likely seek coverage through a private policy that complies with the Act or apply for coverage through the Marketplace website. Either way the insured will likely find that including all of the Obamacare mandatory benefits will increase their monthly premium.
Furthermore, Obamacare will bring unforeseen expenses not only by increased monthly insurance premiums, but also through tax penalties for Americans that don’t comply. Unless you qualify for an exemption, you are now required to purchase health insurance or pay a non-compliance penalty (Patton). The Affordable Healthcare Act will now force insurance companies to provide coverage to Americans that are considered high risk or have pre-existing health conditions. Considering, the majority of young Americans are generally healthier; they will be paying a higher premium

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