
Obesity Essay

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As it currently stands, little has been done to adequately engage and educate communities with knowledge to effectively combat obesity. Surveys have been administered, and a health profile of 77 different neighborhoods in the Chicagoland area have been collected to reveal "alarming" health disparities between different communities (Thometz, 2017). Sadly, this reality is not very “alarming” for anyone who has lived in these communities. Limited access to vegetables and an abundance of fast food chains probably made residents aware that these disparities already exist.
In the context of my proposed research problem: the efficacy of consumer taxes on curbing intake of unhealthy products, we can see how it may be ideal, although slightly …show more content…

These attacks have been made against low-income communities in the Chicagoland area for some time now. Studies show that supermarkets have the widest variety and lowest prices of high-quality healthful foods; their presence or absence in a given area can be taken as a measure of the relative availability of healthful food (Zenk, 2010). Linking social inequity and health outcomes become simple when you incorporate the knowledge that “33% of the population living in low-income communities do not have access to a grocery store within one mile of their home, thus limiting their access to fresh produce” (Blueprint, 2013). However, residents of these communities do have one thing: plentiful calorie-dense and nutrient-poor foods and beverages sold at fast food restaurants and corner stores (Blueprint, 2013). Kirmayer mentions in “Toward a New Architecture for Global Mental Health” that “main pathways linking social inequities with health outcomes and longevity remain to a large extent unknown. Nevertheless, it seems clear that poverty, racism, and social exclusion, can exert powerful influences in mental and physical health, both in terms of morbidity and mortality” (Pederson, 766).
Once again, it is key to see how the construction of entire neighborhoods centered far from healthy supermarkets can contribute to the structural violence of deep poverty. A deep poverty that, along

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