
Observational Learning Research

Decent Essays

The method of learning I best understand is observational learning because I am definitely more of a visual learner. Graphs, charts, and experiments are some of the more visual things that help me learn best. Besides school though, I know observational learning has helped me immensely in the sports I have done like cheerleading and gymnastics. I always need someone to show me how to do the tumbling pass or demonstrate how the cheer routine is done to really understand and internalize what I need to do. If someone tried to explain just using words how to do a certain trick in gymnastics, I would never be able to figure out how to do it. Instead, I watch and take notes in my mind as the instructor performs the trick and demonstrates after how I need to use my arms, shoulders and core to safely and effectively execute the trick. While observational learning was very efficient for me when learning gymnastics, I do not believe the other methods of learning would be as helpful. I think each method has it time and place where it works best, but it all depends on the situation. For example, operant …show more content…

This is when you learn that one stimulus signals the arrival of another stimulus. I personally do not like this concept of learning because I do not like to think that I could possible not have control over my response and reactions to a certain stimulus. However, there is one instance of classical conditioning I know has taken place in my life. I set my alarm to get up in the morning as the default bell alarm tone. Now every time I hear that alarm go off when I’m going about my day I flinch and internally groan even though I’m already up and awake. Really, I cannot think of a good way classical conditioning has affected me, however, I don’t know if I’d be able to identify it even if it was somehow affecting me since the conditioning is often times very

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