
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a frequent, lifelong, and crippling disorder that is present in several medical settings. However it is under-recognised and undertreated, and for many years, obsessive-compulsive neurosis had been seen as a disorder that provided an important outlook on the workings of the unconscious mind. Today, “obsessive-compulsive disorder is viewed as a good example of a neuropsychiatric disorder, mediated by pathology in specific neuronal circuits, and responsive to specific pharmacotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic interventions”. In the future we hope to expect a more precise picture of the origins of the disorder, with the use of data collected from neuroanatomical, neurochemical, neuropathological, neurogenetic, …show more content…

The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of additional memantine in a double-blind, random, and placebo-controlled study of the treatment of patients who suffered from OCD. Method A, with a total of 40 inpatients (32 females (80 %); mean age=31.25 years) suffering from OCD were randomly assigned to a treatment (administration of additional memantine) or a control group (which was the placebo). The treatment had lasted for 12 consecutive weeks, and all patients were treated with selective serotonin inhibitors, or clomipramine. The patients had to complete the Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale four times. Some experts’ ratings had composed a clinical global impression (clinical global impressions (CGI), of illness severity and illness improvement; two to three times). “Liver enzymes SGOT and SGPT were also assessed (twice)”. The results, out of the 40 patients approached, 29 had completed the 12 consecutive weeks of the study and the 11 ended up being dropouts. Six of the patients were in the target group and five secluded in the control group. The symptoms significantly had decreased across the period of the study, but particularly in the treatment compared with the control group ‘(significant time×group interaction)’. Illness severity (CGI severity)

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