Walrus{Odobenus rosmarus} Description The walrus also known as {Odobenus rosmarus }. They can weight up to 1200 to 1500 kg. Their body shape is asymmetrical shape. The walrus can also grow up to 320 cm. The walrus color is gray too because, they look like a giant clay. They look like a seal with big tusk. Habitat The walrus can be found in the North Pole, Alaska shores, and Russia. Most walrus live in the North Pole. Some walrus’ swim to Alaska shores and Russia. Walrus lives on land too. You thought they just stay in water. Well you guys are wrong, they need air to breath because, they are mammals. Diet Walrus diets are claims, shellfish, and other soft animals. Walrus dive down in the water and use their whiskers to find
Like how unicorns are related to horses, narwhals are related to many kinds of whales. Some included are: bottlenose dolphins, belugas, orcas, and harbor porpoises. These narwhals can grow rapidly like most kinds of whales. They can grow from being just five feet in length as a newborn and 17 feet as an adult. Also, newborns weigh from about 175 to 220 pounds. And adults are usually around 2100 pounds. Age differentiation of narwhals has been easy not just because the weight and length, but because of their color. Younger narwhals are more gray while adults are lighter in color. This makes it easy to tell the difference between young and old narwhals. Even though it is easy to tell the difference between narwhals in itself, narwhals are usually not seen too often because they do not come too close to the shore. And they can dive down to 5,000 feet. Though narwhals are interesting, they are threatened by many factors, natural and unnatural
There is an animal in the Arctic Ocean called a Narwhal. There are three of predators for Narwhals. There predators include Killer Whales, Polar Bears, and Walruses. Narwhals can weigh up to 4,200 pounds! Narwhals don’t have a certain color for their whole life, they change colors! When they are born they are blue and gray, Juveniles are black and blue, and adults are mottled gray. Narwhals will eat Greenland halibut, Arctic and polar cod, squid, and shrimp. A Narwhal's tusk is actually an enlarged tooth with 10 million nerve endings inside.
One way they get their food is by working together. Another way is by trapping their prey onshore. However, they may trap themselves onshore in the process. Bottlenose Dolphins can also use echolocation (using sound to locate things) to get food. Instead of using echolocation, some dolphins use passive listening to get their food. The type of food available to a Bottlenose Dolphin depends on its location. Bottlenose Dolphins eat around 4 to 9 percent of their body weight each day. The predators of Bottlenose Dolphins are large species of sharks and killer
Why would you want to move to the Mayan Riviera? The answer is why wouldn’t you? Just look at the cover of this book and the pictures within (which I wish were larger to enjoy the beauty) and you’ll find yourself ready to pack your bags and relocate. However hold on as this is in another country and there are a lot of questions and things to consider. Herein lies all the answers one could ever need to move to Playa de Carmen. Manny has done his research and in turn has given us an outstanding resource covering everything we need to know to move to Mexico. From the joys of living there whether in retirement or working adults with children he covers how to get there, what to expect as well as how to find everything once we are there. I loved
Narwhals are a very ugly color. They’re a pale-blue with spots and babies are brown with no spots. The babies, when they're born, can be 5ft long and weigh 175 to 220 lbs. The males are 13 to 20ft long and weigh 3,500lbs, also the females are 11.5ft and weigh 2,200lbs. Narwhals make dolphin noises; like whistling, clicking, and trilling. They are graceful animals.
Question: What are the possible complications for an adult AAM who has been diagnosed with depression and is also taking Citalopram and Trazadone every night?
When walrus hunt for food they dive in the water and find food, once they are done they return to the surface ice to lay on and rest in between their hunts. When the summer ice melts, the walrus swim to the shore for rest. As the walrus come to shore they meet each other in large groups called haul outs. Haul outs are group of walrus that gather on land due to increased receding ice. Sea ice has been receding at a fast rate and are causing more and more haul outs. These haul outs are very dangerous to the walrus because they are easily spooked from humans, cars, and other animals. When spooked, they run to the water for safety and trample other walrus on the way, giving the calves no way of survival.
In The Odyssey there is a man named Odysseus. He is a very heroic man. Heroic means to be some sort of hero, and to be a hero you have to be smart, know when to talk and when not to talk, and you have to be clever. Odysseus traveled starting at Troy and ending at Ithaca. But he made many stops along the way, in fact he went to fifthteen other places before he made it to Ithaca.
Odysseus, a strong and intelligent man on a journey to find home, lands and finds a cave on a mysterious island. He and his men enter the massive cave not knowing of the trap they have now fallen into. Later a Cyclops enters the huge cave. Standing behind him was a huge flock of sheep. As the Cyclops fully enters he shuts the cave closed. The giant one eyed monster picks up a couple of men in the cave and devours them. Odysseus learns to not anger the monster, because the Cyclops is the only hope to open the pathway home for heroic Odysseus. Thankfully for Odysseus the Cyclops slumbers through the night.
In stories from ancient times, all heroes possess the same qualities such as courage, confidence and intelligence. Homer’s Odysseus is nothing short of these qualities. In fact, he is the paradigm if a hero.
Orcas have the most diverse diet of all the marine mammals. Some specimens of orcas prefer different types of marine mammals or marine life. They will mostly eat fish and squid, but will devour almost any marine animal in site. They tend to eat a wide array of fish from salmon, hering, halibut, and cod. One Orcas was found to have a harbor seal, a stellar sea lion, and a harbor porpoise in its stomach. Another orca was found to have the remains of 32 adult harbor seals in its belly (Martin.) The orca has been observed to eat river otters, squid, and
Kings, knights, battles. These are things that a person thinks of when it comes to heroes. Odysseus is not only a king that goes through a lot, but he also has so many more features to his personality. Each trait develops over the course of the story and by the end of the book, Odysseus is a hero. Courage is the first trait someone might notice, because he is willing to take risks and give up everything, even his life. Intelligence is present in almost everything Odysseus does. Lastly, leadership is a trait that Odysseus has had since the very beginning of the Trojan War. Many will think that Odysseus is cocky and self-centered, but throughout The Odyssey, Homer displays Odysseus as a heroic character with many complex traits. Courage is a
What is a hero? A hero is someone who is admired for their courage and outstanding achievements. Odysseus has many characteristic of a hero. From being determined to get back to his homeland and family, to being courageous about everything. Lastly to being smart and intelligent about what he does on his journey home. Odysseus displays all of these traits very well in the book The Odyssey by Homer. People in today's world who are fearless and are determined to go what it takes to reach their goals are looked upon as well. Heroes still exist in today's world with the same traits that Odysseus displays.
If a dolphin catches a large fish, it will smack the fish on the ocean floor or the water’s surface to break it into smaller portions (McClintock). After a dolphin catches its prey, it uses its tongue to swallow the fish and push the water out of its mouth (Dolphin Research Center). Dolphins can eat up to thirty pounds of fish in one day, so it is helpful that they have three stomach compartments, similar to that of a cow (McClintock) (Lockley 69).
In regard to internal politics, I believe that the aging population created by the One Child Policy will lead to a decline in the government’s ability to handle internal insurrections. Nationalists in Tibet, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong could be empowered, as they are already relatively problematic with an iron-fisted, powerful government. I believe, as it is being experienced in Rudong already, the government will not be able to provide as many health and pension services to its inflated population of elderly individuals. I foresee that a combination of a government that cannot provide for its citizens, nor quell its internal rebellions may be destined for a collapse, and lead to the potential reemergence of the Republic of China. Nevertheless,