Tursiops truncatus (Bottlenose Dolphin)
Body Structure
Bottlenose Dolphins are a very interesting animal. They have a fusiform (Spindle shaped) body that allows them to move quickly in the water. Because of the Dolphins’ shape they have bilateral symmetry. They also have a dorsal fin, flippers, and a fluke. However, Bottlenose Dolphins do not have ears on the outside of their bodies, hair, or hind limbs. The color of this type of dolphin is usually a light grey color to a black. Their stomach is white and sometimes has a pink hue. One physical adaptation these dolphins have is a telescoped skull. The skull is like this because it allows them to breathe more easily while swimming. Bottlenose Dolphins also have blubber that they use as insulation and vascular shunts that allow them to have cooling for certain types of organs and tissues in their bodies. Finally, Bottlenose Dolphins have sharp teeth that let them grasp onto their prey, so their tongue can push the prey down the dolphin’s throat. Bottlenose Dolphins have a range mass of 260 to 500kg which is 572.69 to 1101.32 in pounds. The average mass of the Bottlenose Dolphin is 400kg. Their average mass in pounds is 881.06.
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One way they get their food is by working together. Another way is by trapping their prey onshore. However, they may trap themselves onshore in the process. Bottlenose Dolphins can also use echolocation (using sound to locate things) to get food. Instead of using echolocation, some dolphins use passive listening to get their food. The type of food available to a Bottlenose Dolphin depends on its location. Bottlenose Dolphins eat around 4 to 9 percent of their body weight each day. The predators of Bottlenose Dolphins are large species of sharks and killer
On August 24th was the Miami Dolphins football game versus the Atlanta Falcons. Although it was a preseason game it was still important because, the week before we got beat by the Dallas Cowboys 41-21,and we didn't want that to happen again. So in practice they worked harder and harder Intel it was game day. When they got off the buses they meant business, they looked ready to go. Everyone sat down at there sets 5...4...3...2...1 the boom the ball was kicked soaring as high as the birds.
In Pink Sheep’s house, Homie Dolphin was playing video games and eating burritos and Mountain Dew. When these two guys were too focused on the games a hater broke in the house and took their supplies to burritos and Mountain Dew. On his way out he took Homie Dolphin’s gold necklace worth a trillion dollars.
On Thursday, June 22, the Blythe Desert Dolphins hosted their second home swim meet, where they competed against the Brawley Sunstrokers and the Holtville Stingrays at the Palo Verde High School pool.
There are five teams that are worthy of being called the greatest team in NFL history: the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the 1978 Pittsburgh Steelers, the 1984 San Francisco 49’ers, the 2007 Patriots, however the 1985 Chicago Bears stand out amongst the crowd because of their outrageous defense, popularity amongst the NFL fans, and their roster that was filled with Hall of Fame talent. According to the 1985 Chicago Bears Statistics & Players (2017), the team finished with a season record of 15-1. News analyst Tony Andracki (2016) stated that, “The 1985 Bears turned in one of the most dominant seasons in American Sports” (p.1).
The Dolphins are off to a rough start as they begin the season 0-3. Trying to build a better reputation, the team has been working hard to improve their skills and hopefully come out with a few wins this year. So far nothing consequential has been seen from Dana as they are yet to find the element that will take their team to victory.
Dolphins live in packs also known as pods. All dolphins don't live in the same pod forever they might move from pod to pod. That's why there are smart because they ned brain capacity to move from pod to pod and not break chemistry. Most pods don't care for the leader beside the bottlenose dolphins. regardless most species pods do not have any membership. a lot of pods are separated from male to female. Male pods can live with the same members ranging from 10 to 25 years. Male pods cooperate during mating season so each dolphin gets a specific female. Most male pods compete and team up to defend themselves. There are three different types of pods, nursery, juveniles, and males. Nursey pods are full of females and their calfs. Juvenile pods
In addition to this nature, they are capable of advanced communication skills that allow them to teach new tactics they have learned to their fellow dolphins. I am also the same as a Bottlenose Dolphin when it comes to efficient communication skills.. My style of learning requires me to go through an exhaustive process of trial and error until I have efficiently learned what I have desired to learn. With the knowledge that I have gained, I have been able to ascend to higher levels of academic studies with the ability to use my acquired thinking and comprehension skills which help to aid me in everyday life. However, I am not one to hoard any information that I have managed to learn. I will share any knowledge that I know with my fellow peers around me so that I may aid them throughout life just like a Bottlenose
Instead, a measurement called the encephalization quotient (EQ) is used to compare the relative size of an animal's brain. Although humans have the highest EQ with values up to 7.0, bottlenose dolphins, with an approximate EQ of 4.0, have a higher EQ than chimpanzees, who possess an EQ of 2.4 (Reiss et al., 1997). This suggests that dolphins require brain processing capability more comparable to humans than other animals. Much of the dolphin brain (15%) is comprised of the cerebellum, which coordinates muscular activity, while the cerebral cortex, which is associated with intelligence, is only 80% the size of that of humans (Reynolds et al., 2000). However, dolphin cerebral hemispheres show a higher degree of folding than humans, increasing the surface area and the number of nerve cells in the brain (Reynolds et al., 2000). The acoustic cranial nerve in dolphins contains the largest nerve fibers of all vertebrates, which allows for acoustic information to travel to the brain up to five times faster than in other mammals (Reynolds et al., 2000). Studies of the laterality of the dolphin brain, especially their unihemispheric sleep patterns, strongly suggest hemispheric asymmetry and independence (Reiss et al., 1997). Brain laterality may correspond to complex cognitive functions, such as language processing and brain economization. However, it is also important to look at behavioral
Sea otters consume benthic invertebrates, such as sea urchins, abalones, clams, mussels, crabs and snails. In some areas bands of sea otters additionally consume fish. A sea otter must consume approximately 25% of its body weight each day to maintain its high metabolism (Anonymous 2015). When eating, sea otters often utilize stones to act as a sort of hammer or anvil to dislodge prey and smash open the hard shells of certain prey items, such as
Transition: After learning about a dolphin’s sense of communication, we can now build upon this information by examining their unique behavior.
Some may ask, “What is a turning point in life?” A turning point is when life turns into a different direction. Turning points aren’t as easy as they sound. Most of the time, turning points are stressful times, but the result of the complex decision is what affects one’s thoughts and possibly the way he/she looks at his/her surroundings. The following will state how Karana (Island of the Blue Dolphins,) Rachel (Eleven,) and Moon Shadow (Dragonwings) faced life changing decisions which impacted their lives.
Dolphins are commonly seen in aquariums, sea parks, TV shows, and movies, the bottlenose dolphin is a wildly recognizable cetacean (marine mammal). In the wild, bottlenose dolphins inhabit the temperate and tropical oceans around the world with coastal populations entering into bays, estuaries, and river mouths. Like the name “bottlenose” suggests, this species of dolphin has a short, stubby beak. Its sleek, conical body varies in color from a light to slate
Bottlenose dolphins are one of thirty-two species of marine dolphins (World Book 297). Their scientific name is Tursiops Truncatus. Males are usually longer and heavier than females. Bottlenose dolphins can grow to be thirteen feet long and weigh up to 600 pounds (Bottlenose Dolphins). This makes bottlenose dolphins the largest of the beaked
Dolphins have been around a lot longer than humans. They originated about 50 million years ago. The most common dolphin, being the bottlenose dolphin, has been around for 15 million years. Surprisingly, dolphins originated from members of the cetaceans group. Cetaceans used to be land mammals but evolved into being aquatic mammals. In From Land to Water it stated, “The transition from land to water is documented by a series of intermediate fossils from India and Pakistan.” This research helps prove how they used to be land mammals but evolved to live in the ocean. Dolphins are one out of many aquatic mammals who need oxygen, but they need water in order to live. Believe it or not, dolphins are somewhat related to hippos, camels, deer, cattle, and giraffes. In From Land to Water, “ Many features that are
Dolphins usually live in oceans or seas in Florida, North America, the Bahamas and a lot of other places. Dolphins live in the rivers of Asia, India and South America. Some Dolphins live in Zoos and allot of dolphins live performing dolphin shows. Dolphins’ usual habitat is the ocean. Unfortunately, the oceans are becoming dirty with pollution. Dolphins sleep under water, and half of their brain sleeps while the other half watches out for dangerous creatures or people. Dolphins usually live in hot places. When it is cold dolphins migrate to other oceans. They live in all the world’s