When walrus hunt for food they dive in the water and find food, once they are done they return to the surface ice to lay on and rest in between their hunts. When the summer ice melts, the walrus swim to the shore for rest. As the walrus come to shore they meet each other in large groups called haul outs. Haul outs are group of walrus that gather on land due to increased receding ice. Sea ice has been receding at a fast rate and are causing more and more haul outs. These haul outs are very dangerous to the walrus because they are easily spooked from humans, cars, and other animals. When spooked, they run to the water for safety and trample other walrus on the way, giving the calves no way of survival. This year the sea ice has moved to deeper
Summary: A month after the battle “at Lexington and Concord, the Second Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia.” Among the assembly was John Adams, a delegate of Massachusetts, who was there to help find a way to declare war against Britain and gain independence from them. While working in Philadelphia, John Adams would write to Abagail Adam, his wife, exchanging “news, ideas, and concerns…”, unlike many important men at the time John Adams listened and valued Abagail’s ideas. On February 18, 1776, John wrote to Abagail about new and speculations that are happening in Philadelphia, as well as sending her a pamphlet titled Common Sense, that was published on January 1776, that started to gain a lot of traction among the people who had
The melting sea ice is also affecting the polar bear's main prey, seals, forcing the bears to turn to alternate, less nutritious food sources. Once sea ice forms in the winter, seals use the ice to create dens to give birth to their pups. In these months, polar bears use sea ice as their hunting grounds to find seal dens. Now that Seasonal Ice is forming later and melting earlier (IPCC, 2013), seals have less time to build dens and give birth. Consequently, polar bears have less time to hunt their preferred prey of seal pups. They must spend more time on land hunting other animals of less nutritional value. Organizations like Sea World Parks have reported male polar bears occasionally eating newly-born polar bear cubs because they cannot find other food to eat. Lack of nutritional food leads to a reduced body size. Polar bears are becoming thinner and weaker from not eating enough (Rode, Amstrup, & Regehr 2010). They have to swim longer distances to find ice to hunt upon, causing many cubs to die because they are not yet strong enough. In the Hudson Bay, the average polar bear weight has decreased by 15% and the population has decreased by 20% (National Wildlife Federation). In the summer when there is no ice, polar bears in the Hudson Bay go onto land to fast until the ice reforms. Now that ice is
While examining the 1787 Constitution, specifically in article 1, I noticed a few clauses that I found particularly interesting. Section 3, clause 2, informed me that senators are split into different classes with altered election periods. For example, one-third of the Senate contains first class senators who are open to election every 2 years while second class expires every 4 and third class every 6. Which allows the senate to be a continuous body. Also in section 8, clause 7, states that congress has the power “establish Post Offices and post Roads”. Personally I’ve always assumed that roads and post offices were determined by the states but now that I’m thinking about it, I can see where leaving this responsibility to the states may cause
Although difficult to imagine, Ohio has at vari- ous times in the recent geologic past (within the last 1.6 million years) had three-quarters of its surface covered by vast sheets of ice perhaps as much as 1 mile thick. This period of geologic history is referred to as the Pleistocene Epoch or, more commonly, the Ice Age, although there is abundant evidence that Earth has experienced numerous other “ice ages” throughout its 4.6 billion years of existence.
There is an animal in the Arctic Ocean called a Narwhal. There are three of predators for Narwhals. There predators include Killer Whales, Polar Bears, and Walruses. Narwhals can weigh up to 4,200 pounds! Narwhals don’t have a certain color for their whole life, they change colors! When they are born they are blue and gray, Juveniles are black and blue, and adults are mottled gray. Narwhals will eat Greenland halibut, Arctic and polar cod, squid, and shrimp. A Narwhal's tusk is actually an enlarged tooth with 10 million nerve endings inside.
Warmer winters leave seals without protective ice dens. This exposure to the elements increases infant mortality and leaves adults unprotected from fisherman. Fishermen use nets to trap the seals, which also end up littering the oceans. An average of 60,000 seals were killed each year between 1984 and 1994. Most of the pelts are first purchased by processors in Newfoundland. The seals are also facing pollution, which causes habitat loss. Predators of seals are the Orca, Killer Whale, Great White Shark, and Polar Bears. Global warming is another concern for seals. As the polar ice caps melts, the seals find more predators in their natural habitat. Which means they are at risk of being eaten as well as having to share their food and other supplies. Seals have to eat more to gain blubber and keep themselves warm. Seals that live in colder regions are heavier in
Summary of Case: It is illegal to kill Walrus unless you are a native and use all resources available from the animal. Natives
The biggest threat to the tundra is from oil and gas development that results in global warming. As the planet warms the permafrost melts and tundra ecosystems will collapse. Another, threat comes from airborne pollutants, which have brought measurable levels of pollutants such as DDT and PCB's to even remote areas because it is a great technical challenge to effect efficient sewage treatment in a cold environment. Lastly, the overpopulation of Canadian geese pose a threat to the tundra because the balance of the biome will be offset.
2The Inuits have to understand the natural patterns of the wild life so...so it is easier to hunt prey like seals,caribou, and walrus Because there is ice that can expose them. But global warming is disrupting these patterns.
It also means that big chunks of ice will break off and create walls on top of the ocean waters. With the ice melting, the NarDewhal habitat has to change, but I don’t believe that they can adjust to such critical circumstances because their living environments are all about deep waters and ice. Although ice is not primarily what Narwhals live under, they need to coldness to live in the area. There was an incident in Canada that caused the Narwhal population to decrease substantially. Jaymi Heimbuch (2008) says that, “In a heartbreaking move, the Canadian government decided it would rather allow 500 Narwhals to be shot one by one at an air hole in the ice, rather than bring in icebreakers to help free the whales.” They could have also killed the Narwhals to receive money from the ivory and other parts of the Narwhal.
With the ever rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, and constant warnings about global warming, it is no wonder that the animals inhabiting the artic regions around the world are now suffering a decline in their habitat as well as their livelihood. Such is the case with the Polar Bears who may soon be gone in a scant few years.
The Poorly Informed Walrus is a fable that helps the reader understand the importance of effective communication. It starts out by the chief, asking the smaller walruses how the day catch was going. The smaller walruses did not want to reply because of their fear with the undesired amount. The chief “was the biggest and wisest walrus in the herd, and he knew his business, but he had such a terrible temper that every walrus in the herd was terrified of his ferocious bark”. (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, & Osborn, 2014) They also remembered how the chief acted the last time they had not done well and did not want him to know of the disappointment this time. After some deliberation, Basil who was next in charge answered by saying all was well and that
Do you have a collection of prescription bottles collecting dust in your medicine cabinet? Chances are that many of those medications have expired and lost some of their potency. The pharmacy pros at Hart Pharmacy suggest that you take an inventory of your medications and promptly dispose of those that have expired. For the past 50 years, Ohio’s best pharmacy has offered free home delivery of prescriptions, flu shots, and over the counter drugs to Cincinnati, OH, area residents.
Im doing glacier melting because it is important and we need that fresh water to survive.Also i think we should do whatever we can to stop the glaciers from melting.And it also will take the crops longer to grow. It would effect our food supply. And it could kill most wild life.
The polar bear lives up in the Arctic region where global warming and climate change are melting the ice caps that the bears thrive on. They use the ice as a platform from hunting and rest. The random pocket holes in the ice, where the seals pop up at, is where the polar bear catches its prey. With this reduction of ice, “the abundance of seals, and increases the amount of energy and time needed for hunting, leaving less energy for reproduction” (Endangered Species and Habitats).