
Odysseus An Epic Hero Essay

Decent Essays

A hero to most is someone who has courage, is strong, wise, and has sacrificed or risked their life for others. In modern society these traits are admired just as the ancient Greeks admired them too. In the story, “from the Odyssey”’ by Homer, it is a story that is in third person point of view, takes place in Greek and many other places, is a fiction story, and is very suspenseful. The epic hero Odysseus fulfills the traits of an epic hero in many ways because he is strong, wise, courageous, and cares for others and is willing to risk his life for others, both societies consider these traits useful and helpful. Odysseus’s wisdom was inherited from Athena, and is a trait that is admired in both societies. He is claimed to be guided by Athena, making him one of the greatest Greek heroes, “Odysseus is the cleverest of the Greek hero's because he is guided by the goddess of wisdom, Athena.”(pg.921). Being guided by Athena allowed him to make many good choices, one being when he was asked where his ship was and was ready with a wise lie, “Tell me, where was it, now, you left …show more content…

This shows he is strong because even though the three men were trying to go back, because of the Lotus, Odysseus was still able to carry all three of them back to the ship. The reason the ancient Greeks admire this trait is because if Odysseus wasn’t that strong he wouldn’t have been able to make Polyphemus blind by driving a spike through his eye and get away and save his crew, “ … lifted it, and rammed it deep in his crater eye and leaned on it turning it as a shipwright turns a drill in planking…(375-379). Odysseus and other men were able to deviously carry a big spike five times their size or more, and drive it through the Cyclops eye and Odysseus was even able to turn it like a drill in a zealous manner; showing his strength. Odysseus’s strength was very helpful to him and is a trait that was admired by ancient Greeks, and is admired in our

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