
Odysseus Is A Hero

Decent Essays

In the book, "The One Eyed Giant's Cave "written by homer, Odysseus the main character shows how heroic and brave he was. He was an adventurous character, who had his mind set on what he wanted. He travel across seas with his men all way to Ismarus, city. This was a very risky trip because this place had been known for millions of cyclones. Odysseus knew it wasn’t going to be easy but he was very strong heroic and brave. During the trip many things occurred. They were on their way home when they hit a huge storm taking them three hours in the wrong direction. Before they realized they had already been in the island of Lotus. The native had offered fresh nice looking fruit to Odysseus and his men. They thought the fruit was delicious and they …show more content…

For instance, they were sailing with a ship full of men and were very low on food supplies. They were sailing through the Cyclops land and they had come across a little island with sheep, cheese and milk. The all aboard the ship once again to pick up supplies, Odysseus informed everyone that they needed to be very fast and leave as soon as possible. Of course none of the crew listened to Odysseus and the Cyclops son had arrived. At first everyone was startled, but he remained calm and seemed to be very friendly, but quickly his mood changed and he because very hostel locking up Odysseus and all his men for future meals. They had to think of a plan and they had to think quickly, through the night Odysseus had some up with a plan to be friends with the Cyclops because he knew there was no possible way they could defeat him physically. So while he was outside taking care of the animals Odysseus began to search the room and found a wooden staff in the grave and set it on the fire to harden it. Soon the monster returns and they began to exchange names, he asked the Cyclops and he said Polyphemus , when he asked for Odysseus name he said "Nobody" and stated that's what everyone back home calls him. Then Odysseus had offered to share his whine that he had brought on his ship. He waited for the Cyclops to get intoxicated and fall asleep. That’s when he and all this men shoved the burning wooden staff in his eye.

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