
Odysseus Ptsd Essay

Decent Essays

Odysseus PTSD Essay

For the last eight or nine years we have been hearing about a disorder that is new. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Odysseus developed (PTSD) after coming back home, he developed (PTSD) by remembering and witnessing he’s comrades die.

One of the first causes where Odysseus first developed (PTSD) was when he was sail through the land of the Cyclops. Odysseus and his men were sailing, when out of nowhere one of Odysseus comrades spotted a cave full of sheep, milk, and cheese. …show more content…

Odysseus and his men must navigate the straits between Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla is six-headed monster who, when ships pass, swallows one sailor for each head. As instructed by Circe, Odysseus holds his course tight against the cliffs of Scylla’s lair. As he and his men stare at Charybdis on the other side of the strait, the heads of Scylla Swoop down and gobble up six of the sailors. “Avoiding this we skirted the cliff where Scylla exacts her toll. Each of her six slavering maws grabbed a sailor and wolfed him down”.

One of the first symptoms where Odysseus has (PTSD) is when he was on the island of the Calypso and they afford him to stay and when he went to sleep he would have dreams of what happened to him and his men. He would wake up at night screaming and scared. That was one of the signs of Odysseus having PTSD. Odysseus will also have dreams about his family and if he was going home or not.

Another fatal symptom where Odysseus has (PTSD) was when he was on the greatest ship back home from the other kingdom and the men gave him a sleeping potion. Then he was dreaming about his wife when they were playing around and he was chasing her and then he was back on his island waking up on the ground. That was another sign of PTSD because he was thinking about the things he loved and the other bad things that he saw happen and knows that he will still have those

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