
Odyssey Telemachus Relationship

Decent Essays

Penelope, a Mother and Father Imagine if your husband left you right after the birth of your baby and never came back until 20 years after, resulting in you having to take care of the child for many years. Would you try to take in the role of a father and mother or hide away in your room, ignoring your child? In Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, the main character has to leave his wife, Penelope, and son as he fights in The Trojan War. Penelope has to take care of the son, Telemachus, for 20 years while waiting for Odysseus to come back. She has to cope with many things simultaneously such as the grief from her husband leaving and the stress of raising Telemachus to be a respected man like his father. During the story, Telemachus leaves the …show more content…

Thus, he and Penelope grew to have a very strong bond together and are willing to do anything to keep the other safe. Telemachus would do anything for Penelope, including protecting her from the men who had decided to try and seduce her. He called a council meeting with extremely important members to try and drive the men away from his mother. He cared for her so much that he would even call a meeting in front of the entire town just to defend her. Telemachus had also never done anything as spontaneous as calling a big meeting for everyone so that means he would do his utmost best when it comes to his mother. When you go to the full lengths to help someone you care about, it means that you truly love and care for them. Telemachus also makes sure to spare his mother’s feelings as he leaves to find Odysseus. Telemachus tells the old maid, Eurycleia, to not tell his mother about this or else Penelope will be in even more grief. For everything he does, Telemachus makes sure his mother will be okay. He needs to know that nothing bad will happen to her and she will not suffer anymore. They have a pact-like bond to always be there for each other. Another way to tell that they are both close to each other is that when Telemachus left to try and find Odysseus, Penelope grew terribly sad and upset because he was the only one left dear to her. Penelope cries when she learns that Telemachus had left and says that she …show more content…

This caused her to be more closed in and she trusted little people, resulting in lack of communication with other people. She would stay in her room all day and cry. Whenever something was going on, most of the time Penelope would be in her room, locked away from the others. She did not want to confront anyone, much like how people who are unhappy just want to stay in their rooms and be unsocial. It is safe to say that Penelope was heartbroken and not as social as she would have been if Odysseus was there. She was desperately hurting inside because of the loss of Odysseus. “When you’re first divorced, you’ve had the rug pulled out from under you. Your self worth is so low that you don’t know how you’re going to help your kids,” (Martha Medina). It is safe to assume that this was not the time where she felt the best about herself. Penelope did not even want to think of what life would be like without Odysseus. How could she think of a life raising Telemachus as a single parent? Penelope also did not take care of Telemachus as much as she should have and left him to the maids. She only trusted a small amount of people to do this. Penelope only trusted a handful of maids like Eurycleia and Melanthos. Also, Telemachus and Athena would also tend to not tell Penelope about their plans to not make her upset, resulting in lack of communication. She was obviously more closed in and Odysseus’s absence affected Penelope because

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