
Oedipus Dramatic Irony Essay

Decent Essays

My Freshman English teacher in high school told us, “If you take one thing away from this unit (referring to plays) let it be that a good tragedy is filled with irony.” Oedipus being a good tragedy, it too is filled with irony. Possibly the best instance of dramatic irony in this play is the common use of uses of the words eyes, sight, light, and perception all over. When Oedipus declines to trust him, Teiresias cries, "have you eyes, And do not see your own damnation? Eyes, And cannot see what company you keep?" (37). Stated two times in the same breath, the word "eyes" is very clearly being emphasized.. Teiresias knows that Oedipus will himself be sightless; later in the same conversation: "those now clear-seeing eyes, Shall then be darkened"

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