
Oedipus Externalizing Fate

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Yes, it could be seen that Oedipus is externalizing the blame for his fate. However, is it possible that the gods are truly the cause of his demise? Depending on if Oedipus's fate is seen as predestined or doomed due to his choices(free-will), then it changes how one views Oedipus drastically. If his fate is predestined, then he lacks agency and becomes a very sympathetic character. If he has a chance not to reach this outcome but his bad choices doo him, then it's as you say. Could it be both? They both seem to exist in the play, and I'm curious what others think. I can see how people would find those masks intimidating--unfamiliar things do that. Personally, I was engrossed in studying the masks. They helped the actors become another person.

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