
How Does Oedipus Know Himself

Decent Essays

Within the play Oedipus Rex the main character Oedipus faces many life changing obstacles. Even though the new king of Thebes is facing so many problems the man still believes that he knows everything, especially everything about himself. Inscribed above the entrance to the temple at Delphi are the words: “Know Thyself”, which is something that Oedipus must do in order to help his people. Throughout the whole play the character Oedipus is shown as a classic example of a man whose central problem is that he does not know himself. As the new leader of Thebes Oedipus is overly confident in himself and believes that he knows all he needs to about himself along with the land he rules over. So when plague strikes the peaceful city the, priest goes to Oedipus asking for the king to find a cure for this sickness. Oedipus states “You are all sick, I know it; and in your sickness There is not one of you so sick as I. For in your case his own particular pain Comes to each singly; but my heart at once groans for the city… By many ways through labyrinths of care; And the one remedy that I could find By careful seeking-- I supplied it” (Sophocles 3). As king Oedipus plays a role where he is supposed to know everything, along with find the answers to all of the problems that the city faces. Yet, Oedipus is far from finding the remedy since he is unknowingly the cause for the plague in Thebes. Then when Oedipus finds out that in order to put an end to the plague he must find the murderer of the last king of Thebes he states “ I shall dispel this plague-spot; for the man, Whoever it may be, who murdered him, Lightly might hanker to serve me the same. I benefit myself in aiding him”(Sophocles 6). This scene is extremely ironic, Oedipus vows to dispose of the murderer which is actually himself. Along with this Oedipus states that the man may also want to kill him as well and he would be helping himself by finding out who killed the last king. Shedding to light that Oedipus is actually the man that killed Laius is what actually led to Oedipus’s downfall. Without knowing that it was actually him who killed the king, Oedipus is shown have a strong passion for putting this man to justice, yet the closer he gets to

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