
Oedipus The King Research Paper

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A Greek tragedy usually consist of a tragic hero, the main character, or protagonist that is of high rank who accepts his or her downfall with dignity. A flaw in judgment or weakness in a character such as pride, which intern helps to bring the downfall of the hero. A catastrophe, a scene that usually involves a lot of deaths, and if the protagonist does not die, then he or she usually suffers in some way. Also, there is usually a chorus involved through the tragedy that observe and comment on the actions through song. And finally, a belief, A.K.A “Fate”. Greeks believed in the idea of fate/ destiny. No matter what action a person takes it always leads back to his or her destiny. Written around 430 BCE, "Oedipus the King" has long thrilled …show more content…

The mystical being who held the city hostage. Years later a curse has fallen on Thebes, which can only be lifted by the prosecution of the murderer of the former king of Thebes. The king Oedipus dedicates himself to finding the murderer of former king, Laius. After questioning dozens of citizens including a blind prophet, he is told that he was the one who killed Laius. With pride and stubbornness as high as a mountain he goes out seeking answers. Which in turn was his biggest down fall. His wife Jocasta tells him to not believe in what the prophet says and continues to say that they’ve have been wrong before. “Or not” She then continues to tell Oedipus of the fate she was told. Which was how she and king Laius had a son who was prophesied to murder Laius and sleep with her, but she also said she had that child killed, so the prophecy couldn’t come true. She encourages him not to look, but he still goes seeking truth which will lead to his end. Oedipus goes on to question shepherd. The shepherd explains that long ago he found Oedipus as a child, a little baby left out in the wilderness. The old man claims that Oedipus is the

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