
Oedipus The King: The Twelve Labors Of Heracles

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The twelve labors of Heracles he had to do this twelve labor’s cause killed his family and if he wanted to have his freedom again he had to do Theas twelve dangerous deeds for his mother the queen. Heracles was the son of Zeus and a human from earth. Heracles mother nested of being mad at Zeus mnfor cheating on her she tacks it all out of him. So he set out to do the first labor it was to kill a lion and bring it back to the queen. He did it killed and skinned the lion and skinned it and war it like a cape home to give it to them. The next task was to hunt and kill the gold deer he chased this deer for one year till finely one day he got the deer and killed it so he took the horns back the them they thought he would never kill it but once

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