
Of Conseciousness In William Faulkner's The Sound And The Fury

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According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) include: lack of motivation, oppositional to others, irritability, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, as well as suicidal thoughts and/or tendencies. (Beidel, 201). In fact, William Faulkner’s The Sound and The Fury (TSATF) portrays the internal struggle of a man with Major Depressive Disorder through the character of Quentin Compson. Throughout TSATF there is a ceaseless sense of meaninglessness. However, according to Kaczmarek, Quentin displays William Faulkner’s use of the stream of consciousness: “’Quentin is the stream of consciousness technique itself’…Also it is hard to disagree that his narrative exemplifies stream of consciousness, so the reader cannot expect grammaticality as if it were a for-and-against essay.” (Kaczmarek, 126). Many excerpts in Quentin’s chapter start and fail to end or end abruptly often altering into a different scene or state of mind. The reader often feels a lack of motivation through Quentin, because it is as if he is walking a journey without an end. He is incapable of action and the actions he does commit have a meaningless sense to them. Throughout Quentin’s chapter, actions halt and transform into different scenes, never completing the first. For example, when Quentin is at Harvard and his roommate, Shreve, leaves for class he starts to get ready, but then the scene switches to him thinking of Caddy’s

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