
Of Pride And Arrogance In Nino Ricci's 'Lives Of The Saints'

Decent Essays

The Effects Of Pride and Arrogance The inability to take responsibility for immoral actions causes destruction. Nino Ricci’s Lives of the Saints tells the story of a young boy whose life drastically changes due to his mother’s infidelity. Throughout the novel, Cristina’s attitude toward her sin becomes a prevalent matter as it starts to damage aspects of her and her family’s life. Cristina’s excessive pride and arrogance lead to her choice to stay silent and proud, which results in its destructive nature. The hubristic mindset Cristina harbours, damages her personal relationships. Throughout the novel, Cristina chooses to remain prideful and silent and ignores the consequences of her infidelity. In one particular scene, Cristina, Vittorio and his grandfather sit together at the dinner table, but no one says a word: “When he did come, he remained walled up in his stony silence, his head bowed over his plate, while my mother sat turned away from him crosswise, her legs never under the table, as if she expected at any moment to have to rise up suddenly on some errand,” (Ricci 133). Vittorio’s grandfather stops eating dinner with Vittorio and Cristina. Vittorio notices the irrefutable tension and the change in the atmosphere. However, Cristina is unregretful of her sin that results in the damage of not only hers, but the people around her lifes’ as well. Vittorio’s grandfather continuously directs his anger on Cristina, who does not apologize for her actions, thus breaking

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