
Of The Threads That Connect The Stars By Martin Espada Summary

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In the poem “Of the Threads That Connect the Stars” by Martin Espada, a father and his son are looking up at the night sky, stargazing. Having a father and son moment both go into a conversation, the father asks his son “Did you ever see stars” (1). The poem goes through three generations, the speaker and his father, then the speaker and his son. The father was a former boxer and that was his own understanding of stars, then he had a son (the speaker) that had a rough upbringing, he never got an opportunity to witness "the stars" or “galaxies”, but once he (the speaker) had a son he seen real stars, the planets etc.
The speaker is the voice of the poem, since “I” is used alot in this poem, it is in first person. I imagined the speaker’s …show more content…

It amazes me how this did not affect my childhood, but it may affect me in my adult years. I feel like my childhood seems closer to the son’s childhood. My parents always gave me more than they had. Name brand shoes and clothes, video games, etc.. I felt like the speaker’s tone was calm, and it seemed like he was not affected by his childhood. Most people would make a poem like this with an angry tone, especially when speaking about riots and other world problems. The speaker’s tone seems rather calm, especially when speaking about stars and galaxies. I find it rather interesting when you can almost hear how the speaker sounds in your head. It’s like the speaker and the reader are face to face having a conversation. Imagery draws on our five senses, which are taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound, it allows us to draw that mental picture and at times it feels like we are right there. In “Of the Threads That Connect the Stars”, the stars are easy to picture, because we have seen them once in our life, but when speaking about Brooklyn and riots, I pictured a neighborhood with beat down buildings, and graffiti everywhere along with people fighting.I also felt like I could smell the fire. The speaker talks about the sky in Brooklyn during a conflict “ The sky in Brooklyn was a tide of smoke rolling over us from the factory across the avenue, the mattresses burning in the junkyard” (5-7). When I read this

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