On 2/14/17 at approximately 1138 ICS was activated for offender Peltier OID158563 for a medical ditress. Upon arrival at the scene offender was lying in bed anxious, restless , crying but in no acute distress. Offender was put on the wheel chair and brought to the clinic for evaluation. Offender was evaluated in the clinic by the provider and was treated. Offender returned back to her unit in a stable condition and was informed to contact medical if her symptoms worsens.
On 5/29/17, at approximately 1804 hours, I was calling the last inmate for medication distribution in D-4, A pod. Myself and Nurse Bob were stationed at the entrance of A pod. Inmates began to crowd around the entrance of the bathroom. An unidentified inmate started yelling, "There is a guy on the floor in the bathroom having a seizure." I ordered the inmates to move out of the doorway of the bathroom. I had a partial view of the bathroom from the pod doorway and was able to partially see an inmate lying on the bathroom floor. I directed all inmates to lockdown in A pod and made a radio call to Security Control indicating there was a man down in D-4, A pod.
CCIB received a Corrective Plan of Action (CAP) detailing the visit to the home on 10/18/17 by Service Coordinator, Sally Cano. Ms. Cano arrived at the home, but no one was there. Ms. Cano proceeded to check Delta Home 3 (located next door) and found 2 of Delta Home Care IV residents along with residents from Delta Home Care 3 at the home. As Ms. Cano was leaving, she observed a bus arrive at the Delta Home Care 2. The bus driver reported that there was no staff at the home and that the residents were waiting outside. It was observed the Delta Home Care 2, 3, and IV to be lacking staff. On 10/19/17, RP and Quality Assurance specialist (QAS) Jesus Ozeda went to the facility to observe the staff to resident ratios and to collect the staff schedules
Mr. Julian is a 47 year old male who presented to the ED via LEO under petition for a mental health evaluation by his wife for alleged suicidal ideation and substance abuse. TTS assessed Mr. Julian on today's date and reports he does not meet commitment criteria. TACT spoke with Dr. Jody Osborne who recommended to rescind petition. TACT assisted with rescinding petition and delivering paperwork to clerk of court. TACT spoke with wife in regards to a valid phone number for her to be contacted. She reports her cell phone number is (336) 963-7186. Mrs. Julian also proceeded to inform me of the situation which brought Mr. Julian to the ED. She reported her husband "stealing" her key to her lock box, which her handgun is in and taking it out to
At approximately 1639 a code blue was called on inmate Homan Sr., Christopher 99032394 in cell F-10. Inmate Homan Sr. was complaining of chest pain. All available alternates responded and medical Nurse Green, Nurse Peavy and Nurse Carnley responded to F- block. After assessing the situation in F-10 inmate Homan Sr. was taken to medical for further
On 10/11/15 at approximately 1944 ICS was activated to an offender OID 236740 who was bleeding and Medical was requested to respond. Upon arrival offender was sitting on the chair in no apparent distress. Offender had dry blood on her hands and on the head. Offender was brought to the clinic and was assessed treated per protocol. Offender was educated to notify with any
CCO informed CDP that PO had a positive UA and did not complete her community services as agreed. As result PO was transported to SCORE and will be released on 10-10-15, and that she will not be able to attend IOP group during this time. Informed CCO that PO's case will be discussed with team in the next team meeting.
Per RN taking care of the patient, at 0500 on 5/22/2017, the patient got up, sat at the edge of the
On 8/15/15 at approximatley 2300 Medical was requested to go to Higbee and assess offender OID 168034 who had fallen in her cell. Upon arrival offender was lying her on right side on the floor next to the bathroom alert and oriented and in no apparent distress. No visible injury was noted. Vital signs and neuros were stable. Offender was informed to notify medical with any problems.
CM was out on vacation from 5/3/2017 to 6/14/2017. On 6/20/2017, CM met with the client to complete Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client was dressed in proper attire for the weather. Her affect and mood was appropriate. Client maintains eyes contact appropriately and she was oriented to person, place, time and situation. Client continue to deny suicidal or homicidal ideation
On 12/31/16 at approximately 1959 ICS was activated in Bethune unit for offender Suwuan OID 248356 for a seizure like activity. Upon arrival at the scene, offender was sitting on the floor bleeding from her right side of her face. She was alert, confused but in no acute distress. Officer who witnessed what happened, reported that offender fell from the chair and hit her head on the floor and started shaking for about 30seconds. Offender sustaned ab abrasion on her right side of her face. Offender's vital signs and Neuros were checked and was put on the wheel chair and brought to medical for further evaluation. Offender was treated in medical and on call provider was updated. For more details please see the medical chart.
CCIB received an Emergency Response Referral (0894-5505-1608-6072737) stating her mother Charleen has had several UTI’s due to a visiting nurse is only at the facility one a month to do urine test if necessary. RP went on to say that the facility would always puthe water bottles across the room which Charleen couldn’t get to due to she was bedridden. Also the RP mentioned 9/17/2017 that resident Maria (94) who is somewhat ambulatory was begging for water. RP reported that Charleen’s legs are severely bruised and she keeps getting open cuts on her legs. LPA Abram contacted the RP on 2/28/2018 and she stated that the bruising was explained by the facility that her mom was banging her legs on the bed rails. In addition, the per call stated that
At approximately 1715 a code blue was called on inmate Graves, Sammie 17006700 in Cell G-8. Inmate was complaining of feeling faint and elevated blood pressure. All available alternates responded and medical Nurse Green, Nurse Carnley and nurse Peavy and Nurse Christiansen responded to G block. After assessing the situation inmate Graves was cleared and he is being housed in F-8 on 15-minute medical observation.
Upon receipt of this referral, I contacted the claims adjuster Julie Rawlins to discuss the case. I researched Detroit Receiving Hospital for contact information. I contacted Detroit Receiving Hospital and obtained Mr. Davis’s location and I was informed 4 Q. I was transferred to the floor and spoke with the staff. I inquired if Mr. Davis was responsive and able to speak. I was informed he was not and was on a ventilator. I inquired if the family was at the bedside and I was informed no family had been seen. I inquired about the name and number to the case manager/discharge planner assigned to Mr. Davis. I was provided with Sandra Deboro pager number 5997. I contacted the main hospital again and spoke with the Harper Hospital Operator
We at Temple Consulting have completed an analysis of Ice-Fili’s current corporate standing using data collected over the past several years. Using tools such as Porter’s Approach and SWOT we have analyzed the internal and external environments and have recommended several strategic plans of action. Current areas for improvement such as marketing initiatives and re-evaluation of distribution channels will increase sales and profitability almost instantly. Long term plans such as lobbying against luxury tax on ice cream, partnerships with franchise vendors, and bringing new products to the market, performing an IPO, and planning more global efforts will help keep Ice-Fili rooted as the
On July 2, 2015, the CP left a message at 11:41 a.m. regarding the missed intake appointment. She stated that she did not know the appointment time, the date of her last appointment, and her address changed. On July 6, 2015, the intake supervisor returned a telephone call to the CP; a left voicemail for the CP at 8:00 a.m. regarding an appointment rescheduled for August 3, 2015. On July 16, 2015, a letter was mailed to the CP for an intake appointment on August 3, 2015. On July 30, 2015, the intake supervisor received a telephone call from the CP regarding verification that she was at work on May 5, 2015. The CP was advised that the only information received from her was the Report/Request Form on May 28, 2015. The CP stated that she turned in a letter from her employer in June. The intake supervisor discussed with the CP that she had missed two intake appointments. The CP stated she would turn in documentation from her employer regarding the two missed appointments. The CP stated she did not know of the July 1, 2015 appointment. The intake supervisor asked the CP about her mailing address. The CP stated that she was staying at the Avon Street address and