
Offender Substance Abuse Essay

Decent Essays

Substance abuse treatment this aids in helping the offender because some offender go into jail with a drug habit and some develop drug habits in prison and is necessary to help the offender in maintaining his freedom of drugs and is apart of the release process. GED/ABE/ESL or comparable educational component this aids the offender in getting the necessary schooling they are lacking and gain new educational information. Sexual transmitted disease prevention education which educating the offender on all diesases and how to practice safe sex, how to properly use birth control. Job training and placement this teaches the offender how to write a resume' how to conduct themselves helping in applying for jobs. Department of Public Health or Mental Health service providers (by …show more content…

It took centuries for the criminal justice system for the to transition into a system that goal became to rehabilitate juveniles not hinder their growth and potential throughout the years there has been cases that helped set the precedent to how juveniles differ from adults. It is evident that this is a cycle that has gone on far too long not discounting the progression throughout the system. We can see that rehabilitation may have been the goal always it was poorly executed and the juvenile suffered hard this has gone on for centuries. We need to continue to strive forward and with making sure we can implement more programs not only in prisons but within the community because this is where they are going back into, programs in jail are beneficial because it builds a offender up by teaching them skills giving them education which aid in their productivity and helps them not reoffend keeping society safer than

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