
Office Hysteroscopy Essay

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of less than 4% (1,2). However, in some patients, premedication or simultaneous use of local analgesia as cervical block may be necessary to accomplish the procedure (3).
Cicinelli et al. (4), based on an experience of 8000 cases of office hysteroscopy, reported that approximately 10% of the patients experienced mild pain, and 0.5% of the cases experienced severe pain. Similarly, several studies have shown that failure rate and pain are much reduced with the use of smaller diameter scopes less than 4 mm as compared with traditional hysteroscopy (5–7).
Anticipation for the need of premedication or additional analgesia to relieve pain during the procedure may reduce the failure rate of office hysteroscopy. This reduces psychological burden on the patient and …show more content…

Moreover, the effect of surgeon’s experience and diameter of the scope have been controversial in other studies
(10–12). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of patient parity, menopausal status, menstrual cycle phase, cervical or uterine pathology and duration of procedure on pain experienced during office hysteroscopy.
2. Methods
This prospective study, performed between July 2012 and July
2013, included 254 patients who were referred to the hysteroscopy outpatient clinic of Cairo University hospital, Egypt. The study protocol was approved by the institutional ethics committee and informed consent was obtained from the patients.
Women with infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding, abnormal finding on ultrasound examination or hysterosalpingography and missed intrauterine device were recruited to the study.
Contraindications for the office hysteroscopy were severe bleeding, history of severe cardiovascular disease, endometrial neoplasia and suspicion of pregnancy. Moreover, patients with a history or suspicion of pelvic inflammatory disease were excluded from the

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