
Often Times People Seem To Forget Where Their Water Comes

Decent Essays

Often times people seem to forget where their water comes from and the science and money behind the process. Water is becoming more scarce and humans are becoming more careless with their water use. They feel entitled to the water they have because it’s the government’s job to supply them with water. This is a false principle. Water should be thought of as a resource that is diminishing at a rate faster than thought before. In the book, Drinking Water: A History, James Salzman analyzes the pressing issues of water use and ideas to promote sustainable water use by using treated sewage water and non-potable water. Salzman addresses the pressing topic of unsustainable water use by appealing to ethos, pathos, and logos by investigating new …show more content…

Salzman appeals to ethos, by relying upon the credibility of astronauts. They are able to utilize their waste and turn it into water. This is a big step showing, if urine can be turned into drinking water, then we can turn our sewage water into a sustainable source of water. Furthermore, Singapore is a living example of the toilet to tap plan. The wastewater used supplies 1/3 of the country’s water needs. Singapore is hoping to reach to 50% over time. The country has become self-reliant because they used to have to depend on other countries for water needs. “Singapore’s experience proves that the toilet-to-tap is clearly a viable strategy, but proof of concept has not approved acceptance in other parts of the world” (241). Salzman utilizes logos by showing that the tap to toilet method does work, it’s just not widely accepted by a vast majority. There have been groups who have formed in rebellion against wastewater re-use. In addition, non-potable water has become a new source of water to use in our toilets, wash cars, and watering lawns. This water is not at a drinkable standard, but it can be used for other necessities that do not require the purest of water. “There is no rational excuse for using water clean enough to drink for washing down a driveway or watering your lawn. Yet we do just that every day” (241). Salzman appeals to logos by evaluating the overuse of drinkable water that could be replaced with non-potable water. Why do we need to

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