
Okyeame: Sacrifice And Religion

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Okyeame is only a human being. Jesus Christ is true God and true Man.
4.2.2 Functions and entitlement

Okyeame serves only an earthly king. Jesus serves the heavenly King. He serves a divine being. Jesus though he was in a form of God, humbled himself by taking the form of a servant (Phil 2:6-11).
4.2.3 The act of sacrifice and its efficacy

The Okyeame offers sacrifice of animals of goats and rams as forms of reconciliation and atonement to the god. The effects of his sacrifice is temporal thus he needs to offer sacrifices always in regard to the needs of his clan and community.
Jesus in the New Testament becomes the new covenant by offering himself as the victim, thus Jesus offers himself as a sacrifice. Jesus becomes the perfect victim

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