
Old Adulthood Changes

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As the body begins to age, some changes will be more obvious than others. Skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles and sagging become visible. Hair will lose its lustre and begin to thin out in men. These changes might make women, especially, lose confidence because society puts such an emphasis on females’ physical appearance. There are many products available such hair dyes, make up and medical procedures for the reversal of wrinkles and sagging skin. In recent year men as well as women use products to help delay signs of aging. The fact that the beauty industry is a thriving business, shows how insecure people are about the physical appearance of age.
Other changes will be within the Endocrine System, Cardiovascular system, Nervous system, Respiratory system and …show more content…

Whenever the body begins to decline the tissues will become less sensitive therefore hormones will break down slowly. In females for example, oestrogen levels will decline as the individual approaches menopause. At that time, (between 45¬ ¬- 55 years) the eggs inside the ovaries will no longer be produced. Although, menopause does not take place during older adulthood (between 65 and over) it can have consequences for the bone density of a woman’s structure, in old adulthood and can bring about the onset of osteoporosis in older women. (NHS Choice accessed 2016) The onset of the menopause can bring about physical discomfort for some women, such as hot flushes, excessive sweating through the night but the main change is in their mental health because of the decline in oestrogen and changes in hormones. (see section on psychological changes) and is often given as a reason why more women than men suffer from depression in old age. Many frail older people must have surgery due to fractures and arthritis. A study in America carried out by Gant (2015) cited in ‘a Place for Mom.; Elderly Hip Fracture: Prevention and Treatment.

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