
Old Therapist: A Self Analysis

Decent Essays

As a spiritual being, I personally believe that the purpose of my birth was to become meaningful in society. It is our purpose to share what is unique in us, and find a generous way in giving this back by sharing this uniqueness to our community. When we share what is unique about us, younger generations look up to us and learn to accept themselves as who they are and that being different is valuable. Often when someone gives someone something they never had is therapeutic and aids in the healing process. My mother abandoned after eight years, therefore a loving support system and a shoulder to cry on was never obtained.Being raised by a single father isn’t the same;he just yells impatiently, tells you to suck it up, too thick-headed and pessimistic to be worth talking to. What helps me overcome this gap in my development is babysitting and being a listener. Often titled “old therapist” in that I’m patient and feel valued now that I can freely express myself and people value my opinions. I believe the truth will set you free; fear is only a lie, and within …show more content…

The vast majority experiment, and I collect the data: what to do, how to do it, and how to implement effectively. Simply by paying attention to behavioral patterns I can compare them to my own, not only learning from the failures of my own but the failures of others. I wasn’t always a ready student; did things last-minute. It wasn’t until Sgt Short assigned me to fill out his planner, that I learned how to prepare and use time wisely. I observed his patterns and took a mental note on how to apply this to become as ready as he is. Sgt is known for being ready at a flick of a dime. By acknowledging my weakness, this was used this as a guide to better myself. Then all that had to be done was to take notes and actively learn a life

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