
Older Workers

Decent Essays

Older workers have a harder time finding work when compared to younger workers due to their skills, stereotypes such as lack of physicality, and on the employer end I would imagine the salaries that increase as a person gains experience and the fact that older workers do not have the possibility of being involved/working in the company as long as a younger person may. According to a survey conducted by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) employers are more likely not to hire older individuals due to the cost of benefits, lack of skills in areas such as technology, and the assumption that the employee would not want to work very long ( Yet the last factor is far from the case as around ⅔ of the population in retirement go back to work (video). The GAO has also found that long-term unemployment for those over the age of 55 has doubled since the beginning of …show more content…

Many of us treat the elderly as cute and almost in a way that could be associated with how we deal with children (such as when I noticed at retirement homes the nurses would speak in the high-pitched, squealing tones that are associated with how we speak to newborns). Yet with the stereotypes of the fragile and gently senior, according to the Canadian Centre of Occupational Health and Safety, there is no definite correlation between being older and diminishing work performance. In fact, in general, studies indicate that the older workforce displays traits such as higher levels of dedication, more desirable work values, and are less likely to call off ( Yet, whatever the case may be, it is apparent that age bias is a problem that will continue to be a hidden stigma in our society while other social equality issues remain at the forefront of

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