
Olive Ave: A Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

Watching the morning news, Dr. Andrew O’Brian drank the last of his coffee and whispered, “It is going to be another hot, muggy day, thanks to the warm rain we had last night.” Sitting straight up in his chair as the TV reporter got his attention when she introduced the detective, who said, “Early yesterday afternoon, police found an elderly couple viciously murdered in their home on Olive Ave. We have no other details at this time. If anyone has any information to help solve this case, please call the department.” “The following was filmed yesterday afternoon on Olive Ave.,” the announcer said.
“Janet Stonewood, reporting for WFSNTV in Baltimore. I am talking to a neighbor of the murdered couple found in their home earlier this afternoon in Oakdale. She asked us not to show her on camera. Did you call the police?”
“Yes, I did,” she said with a muffled voice.
“Would you tell us why you called?’ “This morning while …show more content…

Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are my customers. Where is Kenny? Why would someone murder the grandparents and kidnap him? His grandmother said, he didn’t like living with them, but had no choice after his parents died in the fire. What happened to Kenny? Andrew wondered, going into the kitchen to get another cup of coffee before he left for work. Returning to the living room with his coffee, he sat in his favorite chair and changed the channel several times trying to get an update on the murder when he failed to find it. He flipped the channel to ESPN to get a sports update, the Steelers losing another game disappointed …show more content…

There are too many people with aches and pains wanting me to fill their prescriptions. I told you about the lady complaining that a monkey could fill the prescriptions as well or better than we do, but I had better get moving before they replace me with a

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