
On Dumper Diving Lars Eighner

Satisfactory Essays

In the story "On Dumper Diving" by Lars Eighner it's a retelling of his past exsperiences with dumpster diving, the best ways to do it, the things to do, the things not to do, and what its got him. A brief revealing passage from the story that has an important aspect of the entire essay can be seen on page ninty four when the author says "First lesson is to take what I can use and let the rest go by". This quote is very important because if you clutter your life up with things you do not need you could be blinded by those things. Eighner supports what I just said when he says "A thing I cannot use or make useful, perhaps by trading, has no value however fine or rare it may be" (Eighner 94). Another supporting quote for my revealing passage

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