
Once Upon A Time Vs. Maupassant's The Necklace

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Gordimer's "Once Upon a Time" develops characters secondary to the setting, which it's plot and characters revolve around, while Maupassant's "The Necklace" switches the position of these two elements. In "Once Upon a Time" characters are primarily developed and introduced to develop the setting. Gordimer places characters in positions to add detail on the time and location where the story takes place, as Gordimer introduces the story, "They had a car and a caravan trailer for the holidays, and a swimming pool which was fenced so that the little boy and his play mates would not fall in and drown," (Gordimer 12). Gordimer captures a moment with the little boy in the beginning to provide an image for where and what it's like to be in the …show more content…

Therefore, they are not introduced with significant detail or developed as characters, as the story is introduced, "In a house in a suburb, in a city, there was a man and his wife who loved each other very much were living happily ever after. They had a little boy, and they loved him very much," (Gordimer 12). One can clearly see that the characters have little to no development to them, for the main purpose for them being there is to place emphasis on the setting. Unlike Gordimer, Maupassant has more focus on characters rather than the setting, which is used mainly to progress the plot and character development. Being that the center of focus in "The Necklace" is it's characters, it starts off by giving detail on Mathilde, "She was one of those pretty, charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if a slip of fate, into a petty official's family," (Maupassant 1). The story is started in this fashion to develop Mathilde's importance as a character from the beginning, while paying no attention to setting in the first

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