Hatred seemingly defined in many ways; some use the word hate to explain their distaste for food or something happening in the world while others, merely unable to control their inner emotions act out in heinous fashion. Ultimately arising from fear or misunderstanding hatred left unchecked, unfortunately, becomes a crippling emotion. Often paralyzed by their fear, people find it necessary to rally others to take up their cause of hate. Consequently, our world is laden with discrimination, like a cancer spreading working to consume every inch of our being, each day hatred, works towards destroying our souls. On Saturday, August 12th, 2017, we as Americans were witness to undeniable “Domestic Terrorism” in the town of Charlottesville, Virginia.
Hatred is an efficacious word that is often shown through violence. When people do not know how to express their thought, they use their body language to show their loathsome feelings.
If one hates someone or something that means they have an intense dislike towards them. Sometimes this hate can be so large it can be an influence for mass destruction. We have learned, or even have seen examples of hate turning into something bigger throughout our history. These examples include the multiple wars, terrorist’s attacks, and genocides. Many of these incidents were drove by hate, and did not end well. What drives this hate? How can people turn on one another with just feeling hate towards them? The Holocaust being one of the many genocides in our history was indeed influenced by an intense dislike. That intense dislike was towards certain types of people it ended up taking multiple lives.
I fucking hate humans. I'm so tired of people and school. I hate teachers and students. If you could kill people and not go to prison i swear to god on my momma i would kill a lot of people. But you can't so i gotta deal with people.
We use hate to cover a large range of feelings and for different situations for example a child who "hates" vegetables or their homework, to a leader of a country who tries to expunge everyone of a certain religion or ethnicity. Hate can be associated with a wide range of emotions from fear to anger and involves the most primitive parts of the brain and the parts that develop latest in human evolution. Hate is the fuel behind the greatest disasters in the world. Take for example the Holocaust, that was all caused because of bigotry. So many people lost their lives that the holocaust has gone down as one of the worse attempts of genocide. Hate can bring out the absolute worst in a person as shown in the Holocaust. In the holocaust it also shows how hate can be a similar to a disease with how ordinary people were turn into blood-thirsty murderers. Most times hate is illogical and needs absolutely no proof of "why" it just is. Sometimes all hate needs is just a small passageway and it can break into a person and bring out the worst. Have you ever noticed how a person's slightest movements and mannerisms can cause you to just go crazy? That’s a perfect example of how hate is illogical. The person has not done a thing to you but you still feel as if they have and this tiny bit of hate can cause you to later look for little reasons to hate the person even more. Some believe the hate isn't inherently bad be used in the capacity of good as well as evil. Hate can actually be a
Hate and prejudice among people has been there all along human history. In the United States, it continued with those who hold the majority of resources and power and control the social institutions, government, education and business. But we can say that the United States has taken a leap toward changes that can be view as optimistic of acceptance of everybody despite everyone’s differences. The vast majority of citizens have a progressive positive interaction with people of different cultures and ethnicities. But there are small extremist groups that have the means and know how to manipulate information to induce fear in people’s minds about someone who is different. The people in power in the nation who fear of losing that power create
Hate plays a role in the life of many people today leading the argument whether hate is acceptable in everyday life. Hate allows nothing but pain and suffering to continue on and feuds to continue through time. Hate is a lifestyle, lived by the people of today's society that don't have the courage to stand up for what is right. Hate allows for people to persecute and discriminate without much reason or cause allowing for these people to not change their ideas and adapt to the world ahead. Hate is not acceptable and should not be tolerated, but in today's world this is a diminishing view as ideas of segregation of people by religion, race, ethnicity, culture and many other factors is very common. The argument should
Why is hate critical to understand? Why is it crucial that societies teach their youth the evil of hate crimes? Teaching how hate grows is a good learning experience for children. With this information, they’ll grow up and will be able to react to hate crimes more justly. Essentially, hate crimes can be categorized into sections. There are different degrees, thus the Pyramid of Hate, as constructed by the Anti-Defamation League, shows in a simplified manner,
Hate is commonly known as a strong word. For someone to use it to describe his or her feelings toward another is dire. When I think of the word, I imagine how much destruction it has brought upon people, relationships, and even the world. I see it as an awful thing; if it did not exist, so much better could come from our lives. To me, hate is not warm, kind, or tender; hate is, albeit a simple word, an ugly emotion that can turn something very beautiful into something very repellent.
In the society today, there is an increase in the number of violence cases, especially among the minority group. Many people including some government agencies consider them irrelevant. The law protects all the people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. The Bill of Rights explains that people have the freedom of relating with whoever the individual wants, freedom to reside in any place one feel like, freedom of worship and other types of freedoms. However, people limit the freedom of these group members, as they do not consider them equal to them. The issue of violence against the minority group has caught the attention of
There is so much hate in this world. To add onto that hate, there are many hate groups. The hate group that I am writing about is the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Another name for this group is Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL). ISIS and ISIL are the same group. This group is made up of Islamic extremists who believe the world should be under Sharia Law. Sharia Law means, “One political and religious leader over all.” ISIS has many other beliefs, the qualifications to belong to this group can be brutal, and the present day hate is awful.
Domestic terrorism is an extraordinarily real and frightening thing Americans today have to manage. While many protest at the idea of allowing refugees from the Middle East into the country, others realize that domestic terrorism may be the real problem we should be focusing on. Domestic terrorism, is terrorist activity against one's own country to initiate fear and push an ideology about a particular religion or group. In the US since Sept. 11, 2001, "nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, anti government fanatics and other non-Muslim extremists than by radical Muslims" (Scott). The statistic is certainly alarming because the media and today's society views the typical terrorist as an Allah praising, bearded, suicide bomber when in fact, in over half the cases it was an American citizen causing the terror.
The fact of the matter is that people have become a lot better over time, and more accepting. I feel that in due time the hatred will kill itself out because let’s be honest being hateful for even just an hour feels terrible imagine what people who are always filled with hatred feel like, probably down right awful. You feel even worst when you are around a person who wants to hate rather than relate. When a person devotes their time to hating someone because of their beliefs or skin color they must really have absolutely nothing else to
“No one is born No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” Nelson Mandela- 1994. Children are taught to hate someone that are different. The differences can include the race of another, religion, financial background, or one’s beliefs. An adult or teen can be taught to hate as well. They can learn by the company they keep. The definition of a hate crime is, “a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.” Some factors that can lead to a hate crime are people you live around, a clashing
On September 11, 2011, the United States was rocked with a terrorist attack unlike any other to its date or since. As a nation we grieved and mourned the loss of those that died that day and in the following days from the event. While terrorism was nothing new on this date, terrorism has been around in some form or another since the time man began inhabiting the earth. Terrorism has never been something that the US has been free from, but it is something that the US viewed very differently from that date on.
When I was in the 3rd grade I was walking to my classroom when someone said “I hate you!” I turned around and yelled at the person and said that was not very nice. The dictionary defines “hate” as “to dislike intensely or passionately;feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward.” (Dictionary.com). However, the social meaning is: when you dislike someone/something a lot. (1) The first time the word hate was used was mentioned in religious scriptures like, The Holy Bible, Dhammapada, and the Koran. When people use this word it is usually in a negative