
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Relationships

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after the loss of her first lover Brett has been sleeping around stating she has "been so miserable" (Hemingway 95). Although Brett’s promiscuity is not a secret to any character within the novel Jake is the only one male or female that she trusts enough to reveal such personal feelings to. Her honesty with him once again surfaces when Jake asks "Couldn’t we live together, Brett? Couldn’t we just live together?" and Brett responds "I don’t think so. I’d just tromper you with everybody. You couldn’t stand it" (Hemmingway 212). This tender, but painful moment is a sign of shared growth between Jake and Brett because it shows an increase of self awareness in Brett Ashley as she reailzes her love for Jake, but also recognizes her own physical desire and Jake’s inability to satisfy that desire. A hallmark of dysfunctional relationships is obliviousness to incompatibility which eventually leads to very painful heart break. Brett unlike many other characters within their group understands Jake’s goals are emotional in nature, while her’s are sexual. Despite her feelings for Jake, Brett chooses to hold herself back, sparing …show more content…

Prime Minister Turnbull according to media sources was very cordial and professional during the exchange, only seeking to gain reassurance the deal would stand. However, Donald Trump proceeded to act with hostility cutting short "what was expected to be an hour-long call" after only 25 minutes (The Atlantic). Despite Trump’s unprofessional behavior, his most gulling action was choosing to violate his confidence with Prime Minister Turnbull by leaking the details of their private conversation to the national media and then attempted to bully the Prime Minster of a G20 nation on twitter

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