
One Hour: A Short Story

Satisfactory Essays

One hour. That is all the time my brothers got to live. Only a short glimpse of life before it was taken. One hour. That was all that their miniature lungs could take. Who knew that such tiny babies only weighing one pound each, could have such a big impact on my family. One hour. That was all it took for my life, from the time I was born, to completely change. I never knew them because they died before I was even born. Even as I write these words, tears are welling up in my eyes. It does not make sense for me to mourn over babies I never even knew, but sometimes my body aches with the pain and sorrow. I hold them so close to my heart, but it is like they were ripped from me before I could even grasp the fact of them being alive. It feels like a mirage or an alternate reality. I cannot even imagine having them in my life. The only thing left of them is a picture of their miniscule footprints that hung on the wall above my crib. …show more content…

That was all the time my parents were able to be with their sons, Andrew and Francis. Their precious children were ripped away from them after what only seemed like seconds. I can only imagine the pain. Living, breathing, innocent children whose life was snuffed out of them so soon. And what is worst of all is that they share my blood, they are my brothers, and they are gone. The icy truth hits me like a wall. All I can do is hope that they are in a better place. There is nothing that I can write or say that will ever bring them back or make up for the time that they missed. I picked them to honor Andrew and Francis to show my brothers that I love them, and I will never forget about them. Even if I never met them, Andrew and Francis are apart of me and always will be. One hour. All the time by brothers got to live; at least they were able to live it

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