
One Tin Soldier: Definition Of Freedom

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Freedom. This is a word that as an American citizen you constantly hear. A lot of us never think about freedom as something important, but really freedom is the base of America and without freedom our lives would be very different. Freedom is something we have to earn and work for. It allows us the ability to make our own choices, have personal opinions and allows us to speak our mind. In the song Freedom isn't free it states, " you gotta pay the price, you gotta sacrifice for your liberty." As a society we have to work for not only ourselves, but for everyone else to have freedom. In America we are blessed to have lived with freedom our whole lives, however, that also means we also have to work for the next generation to have it as well. …show more content…

Whether it's our personal freedom or our nation's freedom, it requires hard work, dedication and good decision making. Freedom is like a diamond, rare, priceless, and valuable, and we are trying to keep it from breaking under pressure. In order to maintain freedom, we have to make good choices and not be pressured into doing things that would compromise our freedom. In the song One Tin Soldier the lyrics talk about how the mountain people were killed by the valley people because they were greedy and selfish and in the end they got no treasure and ended up alone. To quote the song it says, " Go ahead and hate your neighbor go ahead and cheat a friend, do it in the name of heaven you can justify it in the end." This is a very powerful song that proves when we make bad decisions, it can affect our

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