Persecution of Online Piracy
"Don't click we will find you"(12), reads an FBI banner. What could be a crime when committed in a move as easy as one single click? Online Piracy is what, a global pandemic of illegally downloaded files that is currently more popular than actually paying for said file. Online piracy, as of now, is a crime but still, it is under debate whether or not it should be prosecuted. Online Piracy should be prosecuted because it can cause damage to personal property, it steals profits away from other musicians, and it is an illegal federal crime.
First, Online Piracy hurts many people but the most important are the downloaders. People tend to not talk about the fact that not only does it hurt others, it also opens the downloader's computer and sensitive documents to threat. As said in the Info Sheet, "When you participate in peer-to-peer networks private and sensitive documents on your computer
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Online Piracy is a federal crime and should be prosecuted as so. The FBI shows warnings to constantly remind people about the consequences of piracy. For example, "Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by federal law enforcement agencies and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000" (12), People for piracy say as well that because everyone is doing it, it's okay. But as the author of a musicians rant says, "last time I checked, when something is wrong, it's wrong. Period."(13). No matter what, Piracy is stealing and stealing is a crime that should be punished as so.
In conclusion, Online Piracy should be prosecuted because it can cause damage to personal property, it steals profits from musicians, and it's an illegal federal crime. It doesn't take much to know stealing is a crime and should be treated as so in a fair manner no matter what form it comes
For many years illegal file sharing and music swapping has been going on. Two very popular cases are the MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster case and the A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster case. Both cases differ in many ways however they also have similarities. A lot of music and other sorts of entertainment are being distributed for free all over the internet. What some people do not think of are the consequences that will be faced if they get caught. Not only is the distributor at risk for getting caught but those of us that download the software illegally can be charged.
First reason why they should be prosecuted is because it’s illegal. One way is you get fined. They can fine you if you get caught doing it. Another way is you could even go to jail. People that do illegal things usually go to jail and even sometimes prison. It shouldn’t be so easy to download. That’s why it’s illegal to piracy.
Criminals guilty of piracy may be sentenced up to 5 years in prison and fined up to 250,000 dollars. Crimes such as piracy are very serious, as well as the punishments. Businesses who promote and commit piracy and other similar need to be prosecuted, and organizations should do everything they can to win legal battles. Because businesses who steal media promote piracy and creators of the media are losing potential money, it is appropriate for organizations such as the Motion Picture Association of America to use charged language like "piracy" to win legal battles.
I’m afraid that the issues that had to do with the rights for creators of content (authors of music, books, papers, etc.) to be able to profit from their work without being deprived of their livelihoods due to piracy, was confounded due to the ignorance of law makers about the nature of the Internet (the free flow of ideas, the ability to collaborate with people from all over the world and engage in thoughtful discourse and debate, etc.). Further, the influence of money and pressure being brought upon the government to pass the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) by very wealthy and influential organizations (see: ) created undue pressure to get Congress to act without thoughtful investigation into the
One reason why I think people should be prosecuted to an extent is because it is a harmless crime. People in the world have gotten a lesser charge for things that are worst than piracy. Some of the crimes actually can involve hurting others yet they get a lesser crime. On a website
Piracy has become a major issue in the United States. For every motion picture that has been featured in theaters also has been pirated onto the Internet the next day, and for every new musical album that is released, yet there is a free torrent file of the album within the same hour. Even though these online pirates steal music and movies from other companies and make a drastic profit, yet these “rogue” websites receive 53 billions visits a year from across the globe according to Creative America. The persistence of the thieves that break copyright laws of the productions has lead the entertainment business to place a definitive complaint to the U.S. government of the constant notion of piracy. While the notion of piracy was not left
The music industry much like every other industry has found ways to connect their product to the people through technology. Now music is readily available to the public through many avenues ITunes, YouTube, and so much more. As music has become more available to the public the industry now faces the threat of illegal downloading and sharing of music files. Many people will purchase an album through a download site and then either post it for free download to others or distribute it to their friends; while those who do this don’t usually face consequence does that make it right?
It affects more than they realize - Piracy is not a victimless crime. The mainstream media needs to do its part and demonize those that offend. This would be the quickest way to stop the flow of these stolen materials from having a broader reach and hope to deter those who distribute. Remember the popularity of music group Milli Vanilli? No? That’s because after their lip-syncing scandal they were attacked by the press and were unable to continue recording without public backlash. I hope that this would work similarly for these vile and deplorable individuals. In conjunction with the federal punishment, the individuals should receive a lifetime ban from listening to all music, and receive another large fine if they are caught in violation.
The definition of stealing is, "to take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it." Organizations shouldn't use words like "piracy" to win legal battles because it is difficult to classify copyrighted material as stolen when you still have it. Technology such as movies or music is hard to classify it as stolen if the item isn't tangible.
The question then became “Just because we can get the music we want without paying for it, should we?” (Tyson, 2000, p.1). This issue of illegal downloads, which is also referred to as piracy, has been a hot topic ever since the introduction of Napster. According to Recording Industry Association of America “In the decade since peer-to-peer (p2p) file-sharing site Napster emerged in 1999, music sales in the U.S. have dropped 47 percent, from $14.6 billion to $7.7 billion” (RIAA, 2014).
I feel music piracy should be leaglized. Why? Because people are going to continue to download music for free wether its leagal or not. Music Piracy is one of the most frequently commited crimes in the world and happens everyday. However most people do not see music piracy as a crime. For most it is a way of life
For a crime like piracy, the question should be, could this be labeled as a robbery? Piracy is basically stealing a person’s art and not paying a dime for it. It would be true but according to an article published by the Huffington Post by Paul Tassi titled, “You Will Never Kill Piracy and Piracy Will Never Kill You” he explains “It’s like being placed in a store full of every DVD in existence. There are no employees, no security guards, and when you take a copy, another one materializes in its place, so you’re not actually taking anything.” There is no crime being committed unless one shares and distributes the content for others, now the creator suffers a substantial amount of revenue which might put him out of business. Unless you partake in the latter, then it’s
Should people be penalized for downloading an unauthorized copy of a song or a movie? As the era of technology has progressed, Internet advances have allowed peer-to-peer sharing between people around the world possible. This peer-to-peer sharing has manifested the debate of copyright infringement, and many CEO’s of major Internet companies have been convicted for copyright infringement. Although peer-to-peer sharing has allowed direct access to songs, movies and TV shows, it has also had several repercussions on copyright holders. Peer-to-peer sharing websites should cease to exist as they commercially damage copyright holders, steal exclusive rights without authorization, and allow unknown sources to copy information on personal computer data.
How can traditional (or old media) enterprises such as film, television and music overcome the threat of online piracy and file sharing?
Downloading a movie or a song from torrents it is considered piracy and it must be punished. It is a minor crime but still it has to end at some point. If someone gets used to get what he want for free then imagine if in the following years they find a way to get also money for free. What would happen then? It appears only in digital on the screen. Stealing an original movie from the local DVD store it is considered a crime, it is the same stealing it from the web, and the difference is that it only appears on your screen. If you rob a bank in the web and just numbers appear on your account is going to be the same easy thing as downloading a movie in a few