Thanks for sharing Lisa! Great point about the homeless population. It is a tough call. I enjoyed reading the article “Donors Who Lavish Money on Elite Institutions Only Exacerbate the Wealth Gap”. Especially agreeing with the sentence: “America’s multimillionaires neglect the institutions that serve poor and working-class students, community colleges, public universities, and smaller non-elite institutions.”
A few semesters ago, I took a Direct Independent Study with Respite Medical Care, which is a nonprofit agency operating through the United Way that helps homeless patients when they are out of the hospital, as they are too sick to take care of themselves. I studied how all Respite Medical Care agencies work, how they gain financial support,
“One diverse population that has continued to increase over the quarter of a century is composed of people who are homeless” (Baggerly & Zalaquett, 2006, p.155). Homelessness has become a growing problem in society because more and more people are finding themselves to be homeless and not knowing where to turn. Many people do not
When you see the homeless what do you think about? Do you see them and feel disgust or are you someone who wonders how and why they are where they are, or maybe, you are one of the few who want to help and who are able to. In the U.S., more than 3.5 million people experience homelessness each year and that number is growing. They are families with little children, people who are trying to escape domestic violence, people with mental illness, veterans who have served our country, and many more. From what I read in Jonathan Kozol’s “Untouchables” city officials in various places are only coming up with short term solutions, that aren’t helping the homeless. City officials are just trying to get rid of the homeless from their cities or area. I think it’s time that more individuals and groups, really gets involved and figure out a way to help those who are already homeless, and stop future people from becoming homeless. We have to come up with ways to help the homeless readjust and get back into the world.
The U.S. government, middle, and upper-class citizens in the United States should come together and fund communities in large cities like Chicago in the next couple years to lower the amount of homeless people living on the city streets. In these communities they can build schools for those with children so they can learn while their parents work and build income. As well as providing two to three community hot meals for the families to eat. They can even build facilities where the homeless who struggle with addictions live and receive treatment such as counseling and inspirational speakers visit to share their testimonies.
Homelessness in America has gone un-noticed for so long. For America to be the “land of opportunity” there is a large amount of people who have been deprived of what they were promised. There is so much this country offers, but at the same time there are so many qualifications. Not everyone can meet these standards that are sometimes required. This results in homelessness and poverty. Homelessness has become a hidden aspect in life. The government wants people to continue seeing America’s beauty. In order for that to be successful they would have to get rid of the flaws.
In the passage at the beginning of chapter 16, Steinbeck uses color and dehumanization to show different points and make comparisons. Light vs. Dark is one of the oldest symbols of Good vs. Evil, and Steinbeck uses this to create a mood and to steer the reader’s thoughts subconsciously towards darkness and the differences between Samuel and Cathy. Steinbeck’s animalization of Cathy shows her characterization as sly and untrustworthy. Also due to his description of the scene it seems mystical and almost disconnected to the rest of the novel. This creates a paradoxical effect since it is such a pivotal moment in the novel. Steinbeck’s dramatic irony also pulls the reader into the text and makes them feel an almost kinship towards Samuel as
"Homeless on Campus" by Eleanor J. Bader is a report on students who were or are homeless while going to college. The text also includes why the students are homeless, how they are getting out of being homeless, and how colleges aren't recognizing the homeless population that go to the school. Bader wants to advocate for the students that are homeless and are going to college at the same time. She wants to inform her readers that there are students who attend college who are homeless. Bader achieves her purpose by using real-life stories and background information on homelessness on college campuses. According to Bader, oftentimes colleges don’t help students who are homeless because there’s a low awareness of it and they don’t want to serve the poor.
Homelessness is an aspect of society, which most people chose not to acknowledge. With the increasing amount of issues the United States faces, homelessness tends to be forgotten when the time comes for the government to establish what issues they should assist. Due to the substantial amount of issues the government concerns itself with, homelessness does not receive the necessary attention required and is improperly handled. In today’s society poverty-stricken individuals or families is too much of a common occurrence to be treated as lightly as it is. Additional government intervention is necessary in order to supply the needed resources, which can prevent the further spread of homelessness. The United States government is obligated to protect its citizens and should care about the constant growth of homelessness. Through economic policies and community advertisements, the government can control the issue of individuals who are facing poverty.
Over the years Los Angeles has had the highest number of homeless people; this situation has been highly overlooked by media and political attention. Cities in many parts of the world may be known as centers for poverty whether if it 's a developed or developing country. No city, state, or country is prone to homelessness. Los Angeles in particular is an entry point for many immigrants who come to look for jobs. The intentions are not to cause there to be a vulnerability to poverty but to try to make a living some how. “Skid Row homeless population originates in South LA – where services and shelters lack resource adequacy and unemployment rates are high among adult men – and policy discussions rarely focus on this trend” (Howard, 4). Los Angeles Skid Row, is known to have the heaviest homeless population compared to other cities. Los Angeles does provide some homeless services like shelter and low-cost housing options for the poor but one of the issues that many homeless people come across is the lack of healthcare. Everyone can suffer from physical and mental health issues but there is a bigger impact on the homeless people in the Los Angeles county because they are not obtaining the proper help mentally, physically, and socially. Many people lose their lives or spread many disease amongst the community. The city of Los Angeles should provide healthcare for the homeless because this issue affects the homeless and everyone else around. More disease are passed around, more
1.59 million homeless men, women, and children live in shelters. Nearly 580,000 people were recorded as being without shelter without homes, family, food, clothing, or even safety. Often times you feel that pain as you see a poor homeless veteran standing on the corner of a street or a freeway asking for help, food, or somewhere to stay just to get back up and on his feet. On the other hand, we have the wealthy classic American. A wealthy American makes around an average of 2.3 million $ a year. A regular average American makes around which is around 38 % of the population makes around 380,000 to 160,000 a year. And the below average American makes from 100,000 to 40,000 a year. The main conclusion
Homelessness is a serious problem in our society. Every night in our nation thousands of people are on the streets. This type of behavior is considered deviant because it does not reflect the norms and values of our society. In many cases the homeless people in our country are treated as total outcasts. Many of these people have severe mental disorders. Some are victims of an economy that has failed them. One may ask how such harsh situations exist in such an advanced society. With all the money and programs created to help people it seems ridiculous that this behavior exists. In a society where people have so much how is it possible that there are still people that have so little. The homeless are humans, no different than anyone else.
Here in Tahoe, we are lucky enough to experience a great quality of life, and only a few have to face the horrible life of poverty and homelessness. However, nationwide, even right outside the basin, homelessness is a growing epidemic across the country. There are many ways one can become homeless; for the most part poverty. There are also different concentrations of homeless in different types of terrain, such as urban or suburban areas. Last, there is the ever- growing homeless population, and how much money it costs us for others to live in poverty. These are the questions we ask ourselves about homelessness, and the only way we can help is to know the facts about this lingering
Do you know the reason why so many college students in the United States are currently homeless? As of the moment there are thousands of college students roaming around the streets, due to not having the necessary resources they need. Now days, it is common for a college student to be left homeless, be evicted, thrown out their homes, or found living in a abandoned buildings which isn't suitable as a living environment. These students don’t have the available funds to be able to pay for somewhere to live in or know when their next meal will be. Every college student in order to be successful needs a safe environment that they can call home and get there regular nutrients.
In the city of Philadelphia, one of the most prominent social issues is homelessness. Homelessness simply is the state when someone does not have a physical residence and resorts to living in public either on the street, in public places, and/or in public buildings. People often become homeless after living in poverty for quite some time, another huge issue in the city of Philadelphia. Personally, I am aware that walking around the city, whether on campus or downtown, I am more likely than not going to see at least one homeless person. There has been a lot of research done on the homeless and impoverished in Philadelphia and there were some very surprising statistics that were revealed. Based on these statistics, many claims also regard the
According to, homelessness is a temporary condition that people fall into when they cannot afford to pay for a place to live, or when their current home has been declared unsafe or even unstable. According to, this issue affects between 1.6 million to close to 3 million people within the United States ("World Habitat”). The issue is growing throughout the world, yet what is the root cause? Numerous people wonder how they can help. Most tend to believe that the solution is as simple as just giving them money to use for daily living. Even though their root cause for their issue isn’t money. It is the fact that they don’t grasp how to use their money properly/ responsibly. The homeless can’t be helped with just cash, they need the proper support systems along with education to become successful.
Often it is housing, that absorbs high proportion of income that can cause Americans to become homeless. Twelve million homeowners and renters pay more that fifty percent of their annual earnings for housing. This percentage is astonishing high for the county who has the best weapon system in the world. Although, several programs were developed such as the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to stabilized homelessness, America should not have a large amount of homeless people, we should take care of our own people. According to National Coalition for the Homeless (“In a survey of 24 cities, people remain homeless an average of seven months, and 87% of cities reported that the length of time people are homeless has increased in recent years (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2005)”). Seeing children and families living in shelters should not be permitted, in this great nation. Instead of interfering with other countries well being, America should focus on its own citizens. Investing in increasing developing affordable programs would prevent people from becoming homeless, and be in