
Opening Scene Of Bassanio

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The audience is first acquainted with Bassanio in the opening scene of the play, where he seeks to lend money from his disconsolate friend, Antonio.
In Act 1 Scene 1, Gratiano and Lorenzo leave Antonio and Bassanio alone. At this moment, Bassanio reveals his financial crisis. Bassanio tells Antonio “’Tis unknown to you, Antonio/How much I have disabled mine estate” and also states “To unburden all my plots and purposes/How to get clear of all the debts I owe.” Bassanio is admitting to Antonio that he has squandered his wealth. Here we perceive him to be a young man who has a habit of spending money frivolously, which builds on the idea that he is irresponsible. The audience is also displeased with Bassanio because he isn’t as solicitous as …show more content…

Bassanio makes Lancelot feel welcome as his new servant by demanding a follower of his to “Give him a livery/More guarded than his fellows’; see it done.” This makes Bassanio look like he is generous.
Shortly before Bassanio and Gratiano take a trip to Belmont, Bassanio points out to Gratiano “Thou art too wild, too rude, too bold of voice.” He isn’t unfairly criticising him, Bassanio wants to make a good impression on Portia. Bassanio needs to be entitled to a high-class status when he reaches Belmont, so that he can woo Portia. This suggests that he wants to make an effort to please her, and he is possibly worthy of her love after all.
While he is in Belmont, Portia makes an absolute declaration of love by stating “One half of me is yours, the other half yours.” At this point, Bassanio is aware of the fact that Portia is definitely in love with him. However, he feels guilty when he says “Let me choose/For as I am, I live upon the rack.” In this extended metaphor of torture, Portia replies “Then confess/What treason there is mingled with your love.” This metaphor speaks about trust and suggests that Bassanio wants to tell Portia the truth about his financial status, but he’s unwilling to because he is afraid of disappointing her. This language of intimacy proves that he cares about Portia and does not want her to lose interest in him. Yet again, this implies that he is worthy of Portia’s

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