
Opioid Addiction Summary

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McCoy K.’s article Opioid Addiction starts off by explaining what opioids are and its different forms. Then explaining how these medications are extremely addictive and how it causes the brain to crave the drug. She then goes over causes of addiction, risk factors and the symptoms that a person who addicted to opioids will have. Lastly, she goes over extensively on psychological treatment given to an individual who is suffering from opioid addiction, including counseling and support, treatment for other psychological conditions (such as depression, or any other mental disorders they may have), and behavioral therapy headed by a trained psychologist. Davis C. and other’s article Action, Not Rhetoric, Needed to Reverse the Opioid Overdose Epidemic focuses on the ramifications of the Opioid epidemic caused by lack of action by politicians. They state the problem caused by opioids and gives solutions such as medication-assisted treatment, which gives opioid-addicted individuals an improvement in life. …show more content…

It starts with identifying what opioids are and the different types of it and outlining the history of the drug. Congressional Digest then gives information about how opioids are killing large amounts of U.S. citizen and how the number is increasing. After that, they elaborate on how the current presidential administration is reacting to the opioid issue. Next, they explain the scope of the crisis and how many people experience opioid overdoses. They also talk about what national institutions such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health are doing to combat this situation. Additionally, they touch on the statistics of at risk populations and finally they what they recommend the presidential commission to do to best fight this menace to

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