
Opponent Of The Death Penalty

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Opponent of the Death Penalty
Gradually, states are abolishing the death penalty, as it has little to no effect on people involved in dangerous crimes. Thirty-nine states enforce the death penalty and nineteen states have abolished; “Personal involvement with the horrible crime of murder renders the academic arguments for or against capital punishment” (Polites). As many studies have shown, the death penalty also has little to no effect on the crime rate in the country. Many questions people answer address whether they are supporters or opponents of the death penalty and whether they believe it is effective to the US. Both these issues have been ongoing debates for many years. Contrary to some thoughts, life imprisonment without parole has had a bigger effect on inmates simply because they suffer from the feeling of guilt. The US benefits because the cost of the death penalty cost three times more than the cost expense of prison.
One central thing about life imprisonment without parole is that they are in prison for the rest of their lives. According to Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, it said, “In certain cases, imprisonment should be for life, with no possibility of parole-ever.” For the rest of their lives, they have to live within the strict and unsatisfactory boundaries of prison without the possibility of freedom in the outside/ real world. This will forcibly remind the inmates of the crime they have committed and inherently reinforce a sense of

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