
Oppression Of Young Women

Decent Essays

Young women look at themselves in the mirror and despises what they see. Deluded by the commercials that blare from television screens, they are convinced that they are fat and ugly. It seems like all women are dieting, exercising, tanning and most excessively, the women of today are unsatisfied with their bodies. One in three of the state’s adolescents admit that pressure to look like super-slim celebrities is their top concern. With such pictures throughout magazines of models, people who we look up to. These images are accused of provoking numbers of young women into starving themselves to try to achieve extreme thinness, or what they call “the perfect body”, but is it? Is this young idea of femininity acceptable? Young people living in this ‘information’ age are faced with greater pressure from their peers to look and act a certain way. Many young women, have “thinspiration” or “fitspiration” Pinterest boards that are intended to inspire them to achieve a “perfect body”; although in actuality, these images just make them feel more inadequate about themselves. When I was younger, I was carefree, like most other children. I ran around the playground with all my friends and never cared how I looked. It wasn’t until I was hit with a hateful comment from one of my supposed ‘friends’, when I realised I really did care, I wanted that so …show more content…

Imagine that you are one of the women described above. Your whole life long, nothing ever fit you right the first time you tried on a piece of clothing. Your whole life long, you looked at yourself in the mirror and hated what you saw. Your whole life long, the media and fashion market subtly put you down and convinced you that you weren't slim enough. After a while, it all builds up. Hatred of the body easily leads to hatred of the self. An eating disorder leads to depression. Depression leads to suicide. Body image problems are a serious thing

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