
Optical Illusions In Greek Essay

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Visual perception is the ability to process and organize visual information from the environment. A reoccurring theme throughout history is the study of perception the time of the ancient Greek has been whether perceptual processes are learned or inherited. Greek philosophers have a systematic thought on perception in the sources of human knowledge. Many researchers and theoreticians in perception discussed below have historically been the subject of much research and how they pose continuing challenges. Optical illusion is a perception that is not true to reality, having been altered subjectively in some way in the mind of the perceiver (Collins Dictionary). For things like optical illusions, forced perception, and blindness pose problems with visual perspectives. Optical Illusions were first created by Epicharmus, a Greek philosopher and Protagorus, also another Greek philosopher in 450 B.C. …show more content…

Protagorus believed that the environment was to blame for the misleading view not the senses. Forced perception is the use of objects or images that are larger or smaller than they should be, to advocate that they are nearer or further way than they really are (Collins Dictionary). Forced perspective is a form that was most commonly used by the Greeks in architecture. They built their temples so roofs were slanted, giving the illusion that the temple was standing straight. They also made their columns bulge so from a distance they would look proportional. Blindness is the state or condition of being unable to see or having lack of perception or awareness. The history of the blind is difficult to pinpoint. However, we do know the blind were not regarded has being any value to the society. It is reported that in many of the early civilizations, blind babies were abandoned and left for death (Action

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