
Oral Disease : Common Oral Diseases Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Saira Terriquez Mrs. Wheeler Senior Project Research Essay 22 September 2016 Common Oral Diseases There doesn 't go a day where one isn 't using their mouths. One uses it to express themselves, communicate, eat, drink, etc. The mouth is a very important party of the body and it is usually the first thing a person notices when they meet someone. From bad breath to oral diseases, a mouth can give a long lasting impression. Luckily, it is very easy to maintain a clean mouth. To keep the mouth healthy, all one needs to do is brush everyday and make sure one is eating healthy foods, but this is easier said than done. If one doesn 't take the proper precautions, there are many diseases that can occur. The number one most common oral disease is dental caries (caries is Latin for rotten), or permanently damaged areas in teeth that develop into tiny holes. To begin, one 's teeth have microscopic bacteria surrounding it which help fight off foreign bacteria that have the potential to be harmful. When the bacteria that lives in that area fights for dominance and the foreign bacteria wins, that bacteria is called a pathogen. When the mouth isn 't being cared for, the good bacteria can turn itself into harmful pathogens (Filme). A factor that can lead to dental caries is plaque. Plaque is a layer composed of saliva parts, bacteria and carbohydrates that forms with poor cleaning habits. Plaque has specific jobs for different bacteria and one type is designed to go through

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