
Order Police

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Human logic lies within the confines of two principles: faith or morality. As Christians we modify our daily lives to align with our Faith. We trust and follow the decrees that are outlined and provided in the word of God. We are governed by laws such as love your neighbor as yourself, love your enemy, do good and abstain from evil. I contend that those who live by the principle of morality also practice these basic laws except they do so without cause. Christians reason that we live in such a way to model ourselves after our Savior, Jesus Christ. Whether we live by faith or morality the blueprint of our identities dramatically changes based on our external environment. Thanks to natural selection, we are programmed to adapt …show more content…

The Battalion 101 men were middle aged men who were more or less persuaded into joining the movement for reasons other than killing innocent people 3. In understanding this we first need more background on the relation of Order Police and its relation to Nazi policy. Order police was the result of Germany creating large police formations following their defeat in WW1. In fear of being wiped out by their enemy, Germany formed co-revolutionary paramilitary units, Freikorps 1. The freikorps were soon merged with policemen and became increasingly large in population as they obtained military training. The Germans that were drafted began to falsely identify the Police Order as an alternative to military recruitment which further led to the increase in population size. Order Police initially became involved in Nazi affairs during the 1940 in Russian where nearly 16 percent of the Order police members joined with the Einsatzgruppen group directly trained by Hitler 1. The number of participations of this group greatly increased as the quest for the murder campaign became more well known. In 1942, Order Police members occupied Lubin where they further completed the final solution, or massacre as an indirect order from Hitler 3. The killings were directly under the command of …show more content…

We have come so far as a nation, but yet we still experience hidden racism which is shown in the lack of opportunities awarded to minorities, health disparities in relation to the caucasian population and in other avenues such as unemployment and incarceration ( there are by far more African American males incarcerated than any other race.)
With these trends can we dare to say that history can repeat itself, despite knowledge of the past? I argue yes! We are all ordinary people. If we are deceivingly persuaded to join a community of people that are working to help better the regulations of the state and are sadly mistaken once it is too late then we too are placed in the same situation as men in the Battalion 101 group. Being that the world is still subtly separated by race, socioeconomic status, religion and sex oreintation, it is possible that history can repeat

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